The Sphere of Energy is highly dynamic. Energy seeks to create more motion and activity, and as such, is closely tied to the element of fire and the Chaotic alignment. Energy consumes Matter, slows Time, and stimulates Thought. It is opposed to Matter's attempt to control it, Thought's attempts to define it, and Time's attempts to outlast it.
Followers of Energy tend to be progressive in their way of thinking. They do not like stagnation and prefer progress to all else. They traditionally live in areas that are not well developed, preferring freedom to a static life with little change. Many never settle down, spending their lives as nomads always looking for new experiences in faraway lands.
A follower of Energy tends to be impetuous, not wanting to wait long to make a decision. They are impulsive when it comes to solutions, and prefer action to debate. They tend to be quick to stir and slow to calm and are easily goaded into acting on a poorly conceived strategy.
The Sphere of Matter is stable and durable. Matter is the building block of all things. Matter is continuously trying to create new forms. Matter is tied to the element of Earth and the Lawful alignment. Matter resists Time's attempt to change it, tries to channel Energy into a useful form and provides order to Thought.
The clerics of Matter tend to be conservative in their way of thinking. Decisions are rarely, if ever rushed, status quo, and tradition are recommended frequently. Changes to the church's doctrines can take decades or longer to be made, the Sphere of Matter often seems to stagnate when outside elements press for a change in the church's thinking. As a side note, the temples to Matter tend to be quite impressive in both size and design. Followers of Matter prefer stability to all else.
They rarely move, preferring to live and die in the same region. Family is important to someone that believes in the Sphere of Matter, so layman of the Sphere tend to have large families to maintain the family line's strength. A large number of craftsmen follow the Sphere of Matter, as it encourages them to keep to tradition to practice their trade. Small villages prefer clerics of Matter to provide advice as the clerics promote the status quo.
The Sphere of Thought is manipulative and inquisitive. Thought is the essence of the Immortals; it serves to categorize all of existence. Thought represents realization, philosophy, and understanding. Thought is tied to the element of Air but not any specific alignment. Thought opposes the excesses of Energy, attempts to manipulation Time, and creates form in Matter.
More than any other Sphere, the clerics of Thought serve as advisors from both noble and peasant alike. If a cleric of Thought knows the answer, it will be shared. If the answer is unknown, it will be discovered. Clerics of Thought are less sages and more explorers, sharing not only their knowledge but also their understanding and logic. Knowing is not enough; perception is key to Thought. Temples of Thought are often a combination of forum and library, where any knowledge is welcome and much debated.
Followers of Thought tend to be learned individuals; but at the same time, self-taught. Older followers teach at temples to provide primary education, to anyone who wishes to learn. They also explain how to think critically, as well. As a whole, followers of Thought tend to be open-minded. Even if a ruler does not ascribe to the Sphere of Thought, followers are still sought out for their wisdom and guidance. Most people see followers of Thought as sages or teachers, but in several situations the Thought clerics are trying to introduce a new style of thought, making some of the most powerful followers of Thought warlords and conquerers.
The Sphere of Time promotes change and progress. Time is constant, always flowing and ebbing forward. Time represents change and rebirth, teaching the future with the lessons of the past. Time is tied to the element of Water and the Neutral alignment. Time opposes Matter's resistance to change, lessens Energy, and teaches Thought the lessons of history
Clerics of Time tend to be obsessed with the past as well as predicting the future. They hoard tomes containing lineages and histories to know what has passed, as well as practicing all sorts of divinations to learn what is to come. Clerics do not focus on accumulating knowledge for its own sake, but only to record what is known to have occurred. Temples of Time tend to resemble large libraries, with genealogies and archives filling the building from ceiling to floor. In addition to the archives, clerics are always ready to try and predict a petitioner's future. Nobles trying to prove their lineage will often turn to a cleric of the Time Sphere.
Followers of Time are often scholars or sages, though diviners of all sorts worship Immortals of Time. The church provides more than just fortune-telling and archives though; the poor often taught to read as well as basic mathematics. The nobles and merchants use the church's service to settle matters like lines of succession or legal precedents. Because so much of Mystara’s history has been lost to time, especially the time between the fall of Blackmoor and the rise of Thyatis, clerics of Time are found in adventuring parties searching for lost tomes and forgotten ruins. Every book recovered and every lost city mapped is another part of Mystara’s history that is returned for future generations.
Entropy is the end of everything. Not associated with any element, Entropy is more closely aligned with death and evil. Its sole purpose is the destruction of the other four Spheres. It is the Sphere of rot and decay. Entropy seeks to destroy Matter, stagnate Time, dissipate Energy, and stop Thought.
Those that travel the path of Entropy tend to do it in secret. The Sphere is forbidden in most nations, and temples celebrating it are closed whenever discovered. Most temples to Entropy are found below ground, hidden in locked cellars, or isolated from populated areas. They are found all across the Known World, but never out in the open.
Followers of Entropy want to see the world end so it may be rebuilt. Many are hopelessly insane, just wanting to watch a world burn. Others feel that they have been denied a chance at greatness, and restarting all of creation will bring them back only much more potent than before.
