Welcome to Mystara Campaigns
Sunday nights 5:30 at Heretic Games
Current Campaign: The Isle of Dread.
The Red Suns gather their band of intrepid adventurers and set sail for the Isle of Dread!

The Red Suns

An elf from the Minrothad Guilds. He likes tridents.
An elf in name and heritage.
Like many of his kind, Djura sought to venture beyond the subterranean dwellings of the shadow elves.
Taken amongst their own, he soon adopted the nomadic lifestyle of druidfolk in Karameikos.
He would soon learn the surface has far more horrors to offer than starvation, feral skinwings and cultish insurrections.
If nothing else, may his journal guide future travels.
( Origins unknown. Djura looks like an elf, but weirder. )

Sit back, grab an ale, drop a coin and let Bistek regale you with tales of adventure, debauchery, glory, and plenty of vicious mockery. To avoid being the focus of the latter, it has been said to never ask about the eye patch or his sordid past involving an unfaithful Thyatian Noblewoman (If it’s an arranged marriage that hasn’t happened yet, is it really infidelity? Asking for an acquaintance). The "face" of the party.

Balthazar Illi
Human (Traladaran) Fighter
Balthazar Illi was born to a poor farmer who had to sell baby Balthazar off to a local warlord, Baron Von Hendricks, in exchange for food after a particularly bad harvest. Balthazar was raised and trained by the warlord, and was eventually sent off to fight and wreak havoc in far away lands. He saw his fellow soldiers doing some pretty bad stuff to the locals one night, and so he deserted the warlord's army and fled to start his life over. He doesn't know who his real family is but would eventually like to find them and/or kill the warlord, or just find fame and fortune along the way.

Dwarf Monk Entertainer

A story yet unwritten and role undefined...
Prophecies do not manifest without action. An agent of the Council of Intrusion, Cyd fancies himself a catalyst.
He pursues the arcane with fervor, that he might illicit change within a troubled domain.
Clutching the letter of a departed friend, he seeks answers and restitution.

Claritin Vagisil
A half-elf orphan raised in the Foreign Quarter of Mirros.

Jake Thistle
Arcane Trickster, Rogue
Jake is a Halfling orphan raised in the Foreign Quarters of Mirros