Mystara Campaign Timeline
It started out as an attempt to compile a list of all the NPCs that you have met and figure out the date. Then things just sort of grew from there. I'm hoping to use this document as reference for when we return to the campaign.
Please let me know if i missed anything
The template I used:
ADVENTURE # (title of adventure)
Date & Description
The dates that the adventure took place. A brief desciption with only a few details.
Red Suns
The adventurers that were in the party during the adventure.
Important NPCs
List of NPCs in adventure
What happens as a result of your characters actions
The Karameikos Adventures
November 15, 1000 AC (campaign start date)
ADVENTURE #1 The Ruins of Zenopus
Dates & Description
November 15 - November 23
Explore Ruins of Zenopus and Return hostage to family.
Red Suns
Fendric [RIP], Irvin [RIP]
Wilyur, Jake, Claritin, Jigo, Djura, Flo'rel
Important NPCs
Jendimere: An amoral Glantri Wizard. You killed his snake and robbed his place. Instead of killing you; he decided to have you do some tasks for him.
Cheda: Jendimere's dumb but strong sidekick
Iron Ring Slavers: International Slave Ring that operates along the coast.
Kulgan: A rich Thyation merchant. You saved his son.
Although not officially the "Red Suns" yet, the group has been formed. The only remaining members of these originals are Djura and Flo'rel. No character from session one is currently in the group.
Kulgan has remained an ardent supporter of your efforts from afar. He has some interests in antiquities.
ADVENTURE #2 The Veiled Society
Dates & Description
November 24-31
Over the course of a week, the group uncovers a plot to subvert the Duke. Rory Barbarossa's 30 year old map of the Isle of Dread is found, along with important pieces of the ship's log.
Red Suns
Claritin, Jake, Wilyur, Jigo, Djura, Flo'rel
Important NPCs
Duke Stefan Karameikos: Thyatian nobleman turned ruler of another kingdom.
Simone Torenescu: prominent member of the noble family. The family resides in both Mirros and Thyatia. Simone lives in Mirros.
Radu Family : A once powerful Traladaran family before the Thyations annexed the territory. Although the family reputation has been tarnished, their old school ties to the locals are still deep.
South Market: the patrons and customers of several taverns in the area. Tradesmen, local merchants, and farmers.
The group remains especially popular in the South Market District of Mirros, where much of their shenanigans took place. Also, they gained the favorable attention of the Duke and the powerful Torenescu Family. The Radu family remains the Red Suns' nemesis to this day.
December 1000 AC - February 1001 AC
The party rests in Mirrors for the winter. The Duke offers a bounty for The Bloodfang Clan. Plans to explore the Isle of Dread are hatched.
ADVENTURE #3 The Bloodfang
Dates & Description
March 3 - March 11, 1001 AC
The group traveled northeast of Mirros. First to the fortified homestead of Sukiskyn, where they rested before traveling to the western Dymrak forest. They destroyed the Bloodfang clan but discovered that hostages were traded to the Wolf clan, which is a clan of goblins based in the Petrified forest within eastern Dymrak. The Reincarnation Spell was found in the Bloodfang treasure.
Red Suns
Claritin, Jake, Flo'rel, Djura, Wilyur, Jigo
Important NPCs
Sukiskyn Family: A respected family in the area that breeds horses.
Duke Stefan was pleased with your efforts. The local Traladarans in the area are grateful for ridding them of marauders.
ADVENTURE #4 The Wolf Clan
Dates & Description
March 12 - March 14
Invaded and destroyed the Wolf Clan at their outpost in the Petrified Forest.
March 31- Meet with Duke
*The duke offers 3,000 gp investment.
*Pale Countess: A ship sent by Duke to set up an outpost and establish a teleportation circle. It was lost at sea when a Roc carried it off.
*The Torenescu family offer 1,500 gp investment.
*Kulgan is interested in all artwork and relics from the Tanoroa culture, probably other cultures' items as well.
*Explore hex for 50gp per hex. Just needs to be SEEN. Landmarks will be given bonus gold.
April 30 - Break in
*A month after meeting with the duke, a strange incident occurs. Your lodging had been slightly ransacked ; things were left a mess but nothing was stolen or destroyed.
May 1 - Fame
*After you meet with the duke, word spreads of your adventures. Within weeks you are recognized as heroes amongst the populace. Your deeds are placed into song. These deeds include: exposing the traitorous Radu family, freeing the farmers from the Bloodfang band, and braving the cursed Petrified Forest in order to save a guardsman. This guardsman just happens to be a nephew in the Torenescu family.
May 20 - Radu agents captured
*Radu agents were found with an exact copy of your map. The agents confess to stealing and copying it. The map was sold to the Darokin Adventurer's Guild. This guild is based in the country of Darokin but operates throughout the Known World. Dozens of the map are produced, driving the value down to 100 gp.
June 1- Darokin Adventurer's Guild offers reward for completing map.
*The Darokin Adventurer's Guild launches several dozen ships bound for the Isle of Dread from various Darokin ports. In the coming months many will return with diminished crews having never reached sight of the Isle. All others never return. Despite no clear sign of success, this Adventurer's Guild still offers reward to map the Isle. Moreso, the alluring tale of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan still attracts greedy and the foolish.
*Now you have competition.
June 5 - Strategy to counter Darokin Adventurer's Guild.
*In response to the Darokin Adventurer's Guild's underhanded actions; the Duke, you guys, and House Vorloi devise a plan. Instead of sending many ships of Adventurers, you all decide to send one ship of Adventurers. Money and titles are promised to this group exclusively.
*This is when your back up characters + Steve Placeholdestart to get introduced.
July 2 -Sail for Isle of Dread
*Flo'rel's Deity sent her messengers to this the group safely to the Isle of Dread. The group arrived safely.
July 9 -Arrival
*Meet the Tanroans
Isle of Dread Adventures, Part 1
July 10 - July 24
After meeting the the Tanroans, playing some Pelota, and exploring the local peninsula; the Red Suns had to decide what to do next. Below were the adventure hooks. See the blog post "#2 Adventure Hooks + Supplies" for the map.
*North side of the wall, Main Island*
1)Find the Pale Countess ship: You currently have no leads, but I'm sure something will come up. This ship was funded by Duke Karameikos and on an expedition to establish a teleportation circle on the Tanoroa Peninsula, but was plucked from the ocean by a Roc. The Roc, on his subsequent flight home to the Isle of Dread, was interrupted by an attack from a Red Dragon. The ship was dropped near the center of the main island. Many sailors plummeted to their deaths as the Roc flew across the ocean and to the main island. All are assumed dead (but who are we kidding here, this is d&d).
2) Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan: You have a good idea where it's at and could eventually find it with 1 day of searching. This dungeon comes with a warning label: Once you discover the exact location of the dungeon, you will then be forced to escape it or die trying. It's an old school deadly dungeon crawl made for Tournament play. The encounters require problem/puzzle solving skills from the player, rather than the character. Of course after you escape it, you can then attempt to return in order to plunder the rest of the temple. High Risk, High Reward, and purely optional.
3) Rakasta: Bistek, Djura, Florél, Jigo, Wilyur agreed to meet with Miku the Rakasta near the South East Tar Pits in about 22 days. One of those five characters needs to be there. You had a positive initial meeting with Miku. Djura wanted to visit Miku's outpost. Miku said he needed to report to his leader first. The Rakasta are from a nearby island and are searching for the lost shrine of their own ancestors.
*Coast of the Main Island to the west*
4) The Haunted Village: The Tanoroans give a decent idea of where this village is located. It's a couple of miles inland, but approachable from the ocean. According to the Tanaroans this was a thriving and somewhat isolated village that revered snakes (The Serpentes Clan). About 20 years ago, explorers from the Known World entered the village and inflicted the villagers with a deadly disease. Tanaroan traders discovered the area to be overrun with undead months after this incident. No one has returned since.
*Island to the west*
5) Pirates: Their home base is located somewhere on the western coast of the island. This group of pirates prey on the villagers for slaves and plunder. The leader is red haired and pale skinned, so she's probably from the Known World.
6) Pterafolk: They nest along the steep slope of an inactive volcano. These half pterodactyl and half humanoid monstrosities stand 10 feet tall and have a wing span of 20 feet. They're known to hurl javelins and pluck victims off of boats. If they can't get a meal, then they try to grab any bright & shiny objects.
*Small islands south of Tanoroa Peninsula*
7) Jawalaas Clan (aka Shark Clan): Located northeastern shores of the island. These villagers worship a local power named Sekolah. They are fond of capturing/buying slaves which they use as sacrifices in their ceremonies.
8) Prattis, the lone foreigner: His home is located somewhere on the smallest island directly south of Tanoroa Peninsula. Not much is known of this guy except that he's human, friendly, and travels alone. He will occasionally trade with the southern villages using coinage from different nations of the Known World.
ADVENTURE #5 The Jawalass (Shark Clan)
Dates & Description
July 25 - August 5, 1001 AC
The Red Suns captured the Were-shark leader and terrorized the villagers. Flo'rel finds a cursed necklace.
Red Suns
Bistek, Claritin, Jake, Flo'rel, Cyd, Djura
Important NPCs
Shark Guy: A shark lycanthrope and former leader of the Jawalass Clan.
Jawalass Clan: They are from the "Enshrouded Island" which is to the west of the Main Island. They formerly worshipped a Giant Ape (aka King Kong).
Sekolah: A Great Old One. It has some sort of unknown curse on Flo'rel and Bistek is making unholy deals with it.
The Jawalass villagers are relieved to be rid of their tyrannical leader, but are now a bit lost. Their feelings are ambivalent towards the party. Shark Guy hates the Red Suns. The Tanaroans question the wisdom in keeping Shark Guy alive.
ADVENTURE #6 Rendezvous With Miku
Dates & Description
August 12
You decided to meet up with Miku and help the Rakasta find the remains of their lost ancestor, Rajas'el-Najar. You traveled to two different Rakasta Encampments and ran into your old pal Dew, the giant smelly sloth.
Red Suns
Cyd, Flo'rel, Bistek, Djura, Dirkbrew, Balthazar (no appearance yet)
Important NPCs
Hinata: Respected Rakasta leader
Miku: Former Tiger Rider
Plus way too many Rakasta
Dew: A giant smelly sloth.
The Rakasta have a growing respect for the Red Suns.
ADVENTURE #7 The Cave Men
Dates & Description
August 22 - August 25, 1001AC
You ran into some humans living in caves. They had laser guns and apparently escaped from Hutaakan Valley, where the group was headed. Although not openly hostile, the Cave Men distrusted the Rakasta. The group used Djura's Pass Without Trace to sneak the group past them.
Red Suns
Balthazar (no appearance yet), Bistek, Cyd, Flo'rel, Djura, DIrkbrew
Important NPCs
The Cave Men probably still live there, as far as you know.
This is where the group started to distrust and dislike the Cave Men. Without even realizing it, the Red Suns were already taking sides in a political conflict.
ADVENTURE #7 Hyena People
Dates and Description
August 25 - August 28
The group fought and fled a horde of hyena people. Balthazar finds a magical Glaive.
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Hyena People: Bloodthirsty humanoids that are hostile to everything, apparently.
The Hyena people don't really know you, but they hate you. They remain the dominant force in the area as far as you know.
ADVENTURE #8 Eastern Hutaka Valley
Dates and Description
August 29 - September 1
You spent the first couple of days exploring the valley. Looked abandoned. Only thing present were abandoned villages, temples, and the creatures listed below.
This valley has been shut off from the outside world for hundreds of years.
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Animated Statues: Large Statues resembling Rakastas that guarded entrance to valley.
Fire elemental creatures: spawn from vents of blue fire
Undead: Performing pointless mundane tasks. Found mostly near abandoned villages.
None of these creatures remember you
ADVENTURE #9 Hutaka Vs Cave Men
Dates and Description
September 2 - Septemebr 8
Hutaka and Cave Men at war. The group picked the Hutakan side. Groups wants to pass through Temple of Pflarr in order to get to Lost Shrine of Rajas-el'Najar which is several miles to the north. Many recent earthquakes in the valley
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Foredz: Leader of the Hutakans
Hutakans: Fox-people. Intellectual, cold, aloof. Artisans and artists.
Cave Men: Brutish and blunt.
Rakasta: Tiger-people
nonhostile undead: Formerly controlled by Hutakans.
hostile fire elemental types: Appeared at the same time as the earthquakes
The alliance between the Red Suns and the Hutakans is an uneasy one since each side never trusts the other.
The Fire creatures are spawning directly from the Elemental Plane of Fire through vents created by the many earthquakes. Is this a random occurrence? Or, are there greater powers involved?
ADVENTURE #10 Vault of the Elders & Fire Elementals
Dates and Description
September 9 - September 12
The Red Suns agreed to get the Book of Revelation in order to perform a cleansing ceremony in the Temple of Pflarr. This ceremony will bind the monstrosity Kartoeba to its lair and rid the valley of uncontrolled undead.
The group got the book, but had to fight true Fire Elementals on their return trip. The defeat of the Fire Elementals ended further spawning.
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Foredz: Leader of the Hutakans
Hutakan Priests: Priests of Pflarr. They have some healing spells
Rakasta: Tiger-people
Fire Elementals: Large humanoid shapes of sentient fire.
Wights: Undead warriors that are spry, intelligent, and deal necrotic damage that's tough to heal.
The Hutakan priests disliked their treatment as cannon fodder by the Red Suns.
The Wights were former Cave Men.
After defeating the Fire Elementals, not another fire creature was seen.
Group Levels Up. Some Shenanigans happen. The Book of Revelation is studied. Bistek makes First Contact with Sekolah, a Great Old One that has some sort of control over Flo'rel. This could lead to inter-party conflict.
The Interlude ends when the Cave Men appear at the gates of Byxata.
ADVENTURE #11 Hutaka and Cave Men Final Battle
Dates and Description
September 24
The Red Suns defeat the Cave Men and slay their leader. They manage to capture lizard mounts. Cyd defied his fellow party members and freed some Cave Men prisoners
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Guri-Ben-Kaal: Leader of the Cave Men
Cave Men
Giant Lizards
The defeat of the Cave Men ensures the end of these people. Few remnants remain of this dying culture.
The Hutakans now vie for control of the Valley with Kartoeba.
ADVENTURE #11 The Temple of Pflarr
Dates and Description
September 25 - September 27
The Red Suns complete the cleansing ceremony
Foredz betrays the group
Bistek is contacted by Sekolah
Balthazar and the Red Suns defeat Kartoeba.
Balthazar dies, but his body is recovered.
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Foredz: Leader of the Hutakans. Secretly worships Zlyzzyrc
Sekolah: A Great Old One.
Hutakan Priests: Only they know the cleansing ceremony.
Undead: Zombies, Skeletons, Ghouls, Wights, and one Mummy.
Statues: Jade Statues.
Kartoeba: A terrifying Aberration that has influence over the Undead.
Zlyzzyrc: An enemy of Sekolah. A Great Old One.
The Valley was given some sort of peace. Who knows what happened to the remaining Hutakans and Cave Men?
Sekolah and Zlyzzyrc both have their inscrutable schemes.
September 28 - October 20
Group Level Up to 6th. Balthazar reincarnated into a Halfling. The small valley was explored. There is an exit on the north side of the mountain valley. The Group will make their exodus through here later
ADVENTURE #12 Lost Shrine of Rajas'el-Najar
Dates and Description
October 21 - November 2
The Red Suns defeat Rajas'el-Najar and return to the Rakasta's main encampment which is located on the western shore of the Main Island.
Red Suns
Balthazar, Cyd, Djura, Flo'rel, Dirk, Bistek
Important NPCs
Rajas'el-Najar: The Rakasta believed him to be a prophesied great and holy leader. It turns out he was an evil villain with a great PR team.
You're not sure how the Rakasta will react when you tell them that their messiah is an evil fraud.
November 3, 1001 AC
The group left Tanaroa village and met Miku on August 12, 1001 AC. It has been almost 4 months since you have last seen the Village.
The Group started adventuring on November 15, 1000 AC in the small port of Ilnov and have been adventuring for a total of 354* days.
Alternative time units
354 days can be converted to one of these units:
30,585,600 seconds
5,097,600 D&D Combat Rounds (6 seconds)
509,760 minutes
8496 hours
50 weeks and 4 days
11 months 20 days
96.99% of a common year (365 days)
*There's no reason for any of this info. I'm just a nerd that found a website.