The Rakasta in Game Play
The Rakasta will follow your orders. They might disagree, but will ultimately do what you say unless it's obvious they shouldn't do it. At least 1 Rakasta must be with you when you enter The Lost Shrine of Najar. If all of the Rakasta die before you enter The Lost Shrine, then the Quest is a failure but the adventure doesn't necessarily end. The adventure goal would change in that particular case. The new goal would probably be "escape this mess and return to Tanaroa Village," but that would be up to you.
Miku can speak single syllable words in Common and form 3 word sentences. Her limited use of the Common Language combined with Bistek's Comprehend Language spell has allowed you to learn everything about the Rakasta written here.
It's Getting Dangerous
Your group is in a very isolated area. If a Character should die, then you will have to create a new Character that would reasonably come from this environment. In effect, your character creation options will be much more limited. I may even just hand you a pre-made character and tell you to play that. It's a matter of 'giving you some options to create a character' vs 'verisimilitude' (hope that makes sense).
You will only create a new character if you have none left to play. Also keep in mind some practical things like making sure you understand your new character's abilities. New characters will be starting at a higher level, so you might want to choose simpler Class options just to save yourself some extra work and headache.
Brief History of the Rakasta

Most of the Rakasta race resides in their homeland of Myoshima which is on the other side of the world where their culture resembles feudal Japan. The Rakasta on the Isle are known as "Children of Najar" (aka The Children) which is a small religious sect from that land. The Children all claim to be descendents of an elite clan that were chosen by the great leader Rajas'el-Najar. Most of the sect now resides on the continent to the east known as Ochalea. Ochalea has a culture that resembes China (that's all I know about Ochalea 🤷). The Children have operated on the western coast of this continent for several decades. The local lord finds them strange but quite useful since they make supreme mercenaries.
33 Rakasta [3 Leaders, 5 Tiger Riders, 25 Warrors] and 4 Saber Toothed Tigers disembarked from a western port in Ochalea to make the sacred pilgrimage to the Shrine of Rajas'el-Najar. The ship is part of the Lord's Navy, crewed by humans, and currently anchored off the western shore near the south-western jungle. The Children used old maps of the Isle and the written Prophecies of Najar to help them search for the lost valley where the remains of Najar are said to exist. After three months of making minor discoveries of the Shrine's location, they were able to find the foothills that lead to the lost shrine (your current location). During this time, 4 Rakasta were confirmed dead. Another 7 Rakasta plus 2 Saber Tooth Tigers are missing and presumed dead, including one of the three leaders handling the pilgrimage.
Just before you left the encampment, the Rakasta Leader in your group (named Hinata) sent a message to the Leader (named Torazuma) of the other encampment. The message told Torazuma that Hinata's group was moving forward into the foothills. He also communicated that Torazuma and his Rakasta should regroup at the encampment near the Cavemen. Torazuma is expected to negotiate with the Cavemen in order to help facilitate your return so that you are not ambushed on your way back.

Religion of The Children of Najar
"The Faith" is a belief in the veneration of the dead, including one's ancestors, that are called The Departed. The Departed are seen as being able to intercede on behalf of the living, often as messengers. It is a way to respect and honor ancestors in their afterlives as well as seek their continued guidance. Rajas'el-Najar is the greatest among these. It is said that his Departed soul has been resting in contemplation with all the Ancestors. It is prophesied that The Hope's rediscovery will bring "a golden age of peace and posperity guided by the Ancestors." These Rakasta believe themselves to be possible forerunners of a migration by the rest of their society. But, who knows? Messiahs are inscrutable and cats are fickle; and we're talking about a prophesied messiah cat-person here.
The concept of worshipping an Immortal does not interest them.
[The PC's might witness this ritual at daybreak or sunset. It is often said in a group, but might be said alone. Yeah, I ripped this off from a book]
The Children of Najar seem to have all learned these call and response phrases:
When we pass into the Beyond our essence joins with the souls of the Departed to lend us their guidance in this life. In return we give them honor and faith
What is hope?
Hope is the heart of the faith. Abandonment of hope is a denial of the Faith.
What is death?
Death is but a gateway to the Beyond and union with the Departed. It is both ending and beginning. Fear it and welcome it.
What is the body?
The body is a shell, the cradle of the soul.
What is the body without the soul?
Corrupted flesh and nothing more. Mark the passing of loved ones by giving their shell to the fire.

Hinata's goal is to get as many of The Children alive to the Shrine as possible and has made it clear that joining with your group is his best chance. Unlike the rest of the Rakasta, Hinata is a scholar and a healer who is known more for his Wisdom rather than his combat skills. He knows the most about the Prophecies and has an old map of the valley that you are in.
Miku was a Saber-Tooth Tiger Rider until she fell from grace after voicing doubts about the existence of Najar. The only reason she's on the pilgrimage is because her father is Torazuma.
Rakasta Group Stats
I will print their stats so you can use them at the table.
8 Rakasta Warriors: roughly equal to 2nd level fighter
2 Rakasta Tiger Rider: roughly equal to 4th level fighter.
Miku: uses Tiger Rider stats
Hinata: uses warrior stats, but has a few healing spells and the Sanctuary spell. Spell link https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Sanctuary#content
2 Saber-Toothed Tiger Mounts: only obey their specific Rider. Tiger stat Link https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/saber-toothed-tiger
The Yellow circle is the area that you are currently in:

Here's a zoom in of that area
The red line represents what you have traveled s far
The blue represents the three valleys
1) Foamfire Valley: Hyena people
2) Hutaakan Valley: Fox People and Cave Men
3) Lost Shrine of Najar: ?
