You are a denizen of Ravnica, a sprawling and ubiquitous cityscape.
Little is known outside the city life as it encompasses seemingly every corner of the world. Ten guilds govern Ravnica and all are represented in the centermost area of the plane, the Tenth District.
All manner of life exist in this plane where magic and science coexist and harmonize, at times to destructive ends. The guilds coexist, bound by a magical law called The Guildpact. Since the signing of The Guildpact, a decamillenium of cooperation and coexistence allowed Ravnica to flourish and prosper. The cityscape developed and spurned countless advances in science, magic and architecture.
But the Guildpact is threatened. There are those who would see its end to further their own goals.
You find yourself within the Tenth District at the beginning of a sinister plot. How you got here, your goal and motivations are up to you.
Are you a member of a guild or guildless? Are you here with purpose or simply a local? Are you running from someone? Or, perhaps there is something you seek desperately...
Welcome to Ravnica.