He had never seen skin peel to the slow burn of an Izzet flame before today. But how did we get here?

A Sunday morning brunch for half-orc Okta quickly spiraled into madness once he had finished his bacon hash.
The Fourth Precinct was not without its incidents and today marked its third burnt-down tenement in two weeks. Unacceptable for the region in which Sunhome had dug its roots.
For young Nikolai "Niko" Zabek, it was an early morning call he was not excited to receive.
"What'd'youze think, Niko? Is there a pattern?" Sergeant Marten Laurentz prods at young Niko, lighting a roll of Halfling green.
"Eh, no matter," he scoffs as he hands Niko evidence to plant at the scene. "We've been looking for these guys anyway, win/win right?"
The unregistered blunderbuss once held by Schulden lay unassuming in the ornate nestlewood box.
Niko, completely unaware, the warforged in question strolled casually by the oblivious Boros shmuck, accompanied by infamous no-good card magician Dale Copperstone -- the very suspects they were looking for.
Off to their usual shenanigans - and "shopping" - the unlikely pair dance and sing their way
to the weapons shop, attracting a flock of fans; their charismatic "headless homey" and "David Blaine but like hella short" act is a hit, earning them 150 gold.
They then proceed to lose said gold in a poor deal, attempting to acquired the stolen firearm from three Boros goblins on their way to pawn it (Niko had apparently done away with the evidence in disgust).
Back at the tavern/inn, Okta the half-orc druid observes a series of investigative questioning of the patrons by Boros agents as to who torched the building across the street.
He notices a very frantic officer Niko try to dispel further inquiry from other agents on an unsuspecting Vedalken scientist. This scientist, Delorix, was later harassed by the Boros grunts and inevitably urged to comply.
Okta, being a regular of this tavern and a vocal community figure in the Fourth Precinct Emissary Neglect Defiance Sector (FRENDS) spoke up to the abuse of the Boros officers and the prejudice they held toward innocent commoners.
He too was "encouraged" to accompany them back to Sunhome for questioning. Seemingly helpless, the pair were escorted to the paddycart.

Niko, sensing a fair case of injustice unfolding, took matters into his hands -- for the first time in his life.
He convinced the guards to relieve themselves of the captives and told the driver to take an early lunch. Surprisingly, it worked!
The three get to know each other for a bit before heading over to pick up Schulden and Dale at the weaponsmith's.

Unaware that Feather, a disgraced Boros Celestial, had taken measures to ensure no oversight of an incident in her charge, the party was ambushed by two Boros Firefists at the rendezvous point.
Both parties did little in way of permanent damage, but Niko's quick thinking allowed the fight to be cut short and expedite their escape.
It is worth noting, that throughout all these events Dale had been running back and forth from the tavern and the weaponsmith's then back to the tavern then back to the weaponsmith, just in time to throw one card at an assailant.
It was pretty cool.
In any case, Delorix is due for questioning at Sunhome in two hours.
In very brief possession of their own mystery machine, what will the party do?