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#1 Session Copy & Paste


Updated: Feb 13, 2022

Here's the adventure intro...

You've all known each other for at least a month (perhaps longer) and for various reasons have come together to explore the ruined tower of Zenopus which is a dungeon that lies on the outer edge of Ilnov. Ilnov is a small port village, a way-station that local merchants from the capital city of Mirros use to transport goods to the major city of Vorloi. You have all heard of these ruins from various obscure sources. Regardless of the source, they all describe an unholy place said to hold long hidden treasure. The locals shun it and shun fools who are better off leaving it alone

The four of you arrive in Ilnov in late autumn. You're on the docks. It's morning. Sunny and chilly. 35-40F with a cutting wind. The hard packed earth of the trade grounds ahead of you is occupied by several large encampments. Humans wrapped in furs emerge from the colorful pavilion tents and busy themselves with cook-fires. Beyond them, you can hear the village of Ilnov beginning to stir.

The ship's crew that escorted you here are quickly restocking. "Winds are shifting north." The captain says. "Need to catch'em if we expect to return home by sundown." Other than the soon-to-be departing sailors; you can see fishing boats out on the water, chimney smoke rising above the small town, and the encampment ahead busy with breakfast.

A synopsis of events

Party 1: Fendric [RIP], Irvin [RIP], Wilyur, Jake

Party 2: Wilyur, Jake, Claratin (Mr. Vagisil), Jigo, Jura, Gl'rbal

NOVEMBER15, 1000 A.C.

(sessions 1-3)

7:00 am Arrive in Ilnov

8:00 am eat at local tavern.

9:00 am begin travel to ruins

10:00 am Enter dungeon

Travel south.Fight skeletons. Fendric is badly wounded, but healed.

Travel south. Empty room with 4 doors.

Travel west. Long hall with south door to empty room. Debate about long rest. Decide to keep going.

Travel back east to empty room.

Travel east and fight giant rats amongst piles of garbage. A jelly-like cube with iridescent skin enters through the east door, deposits garbage and exits through the east door. Many strange trinkets are found. Jake Thistle pockets a silver dagger and nobody in the party sees him.

Travel south. Very long hall.

Travel west. Very very long hall. Enter door to the north. Unlike other doors, this one opens easily and is painted orange. This room is unlike all others so far. It looks recently built. The walls are plastered and painted. There's another orange painted door to the north. There's a stairway up along the east wall. On the stairway is a giant constrictor snake. Fight ensues. Irvin nearly dies, but Fendric resuscitates and partially heals him.

Travel up staircase. A kitchen that was used several hours ago.

Travel up staircase. A wizard's study with a large desk and bookcase. Find a Scroll of Stone to Flesh and an Unidentified Wand.

Travel up staircase. The rooftop of a building in the town of Ilnov. South of the dungeon entrance.

12:00pm Take a long rest on the rooftop. For the next 6 hours or so, nothing happens.

6:30pm The party is asleep with Irvin on watch. He hears commotion downstairs. Judging from what he can hear, apparently some guy is angry about his dead pet snake and stolen prized possessions. Another guy, named Cheda, exclaims about finding footprints going up the stairs (I was rolling high). Irvin surprises them, when he throws the trapdoor open and casts a Sleep spell. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and the fight is on. The party faces the scarred thug Cheda and a wizard from Glantri (Hin hate Glantri people, especially wizards). Despite a scrappy effort, the depleted party is overmatched. While William and Jake plead for their lives, Irvin and Fendric bleed out and die.. The Glantri wizard allows them to live in exchange for a few favors.

If there's a lesson to be learned here, then it's this: It's ok to kill a man's pet and steal his prized possessions, just don't sleep on his rooftop right after the deeds are done.

End of Party 1.


Wilyur and Jake level up to 2.

Mr Vagisil, Jigo, Jura, and Gl'rbal arrive in Ilnov near sunset time.

Party 2 is formed.

NOVEMBER 17 (Sessions 4-5)

Current outside temperature 38F° with a 5-10mph steady breeze coming off of the Sea of Dread. Current dungeon temperature is a comfortable a 55 F° with an Air Quality Rating of Dank & Stagnant.

8am Enter the dungeon.

Travel north and east from the Wizard's basement. Backtracking through the dungeon. Now at the "garbage room" where you first saw the cube.

Travel north down hallway. Fight ghoul. Jigo is dropped, but is resuscitated. Find platinum coins. Take a Short Rest and heal.

Travel east into long twisting tunnel. Fight cultists and ghoul. Jake gets skewered but survives.

Travel west. Back track to ghoul room.

Travel north and west and enter a large room with 10 sarcophagi and holes in the north wall where rats scurry. Gl'rbal gets his first official kill. Pillage the sarcophagi; some are trapped and Mr Vagisil finds a Verminslayer sword (kills rats good). Take a Short Rest.

Travel west and south. Fight two giant spiders. Jura and Jigo are dropped but get resuscitated. Kill one spider and the other retreats into a hole near the ceiling (40 feet high)

Travel south and find boxes filled with some valuable trinkets.

Travel west and south. Feel and smell the salty, chilly breeze from the Sea of Dread. Jake scouts ahead. The corridor opens up to a wide sandy underground cove. Morning light can be seen from the large cave opening to the west. Four humans can be seen beaching a rowboat with boxes. Another boat can be seen off in the distance.

End Session #5.

Wilyur, Jake 2nd level

Mr Vagisil, Jigo, Jura 1st level, but will be 2nd level with a Long Rest in town (a night's rest on the wizard's roof)

Gl'rbal [oops I mean Florél Fl'rl...umm ask Tommy how to spell this] 1st level (3 rooms explored)


10:00am The western part of the dungeon in a cove leading out to the Sea of Dread

The group splits up

[Party A] Florél and Jake "Honey Badger" Thistle decide to observe the men on the beach

[Party B] Mr Vagisil, Jura, Jigo, and Wilyur decide explore a room near the cove entrance.

Party A: Observes the 4 men unloading a large iron bound chest and a bunch of smaller boxes.

Party B: Mr Vagisil takes the lead and shoulders through the door. 3 wandering skeletons are encountered. Mr Vagisil is badly wounded. The skeletons are defeated.

Party A: Florél hangs back while Jake creeps to just outside the torches' light perimeter, sits down for a snack, and eavesdrops. He gathers that the men will meet again here later tonight with the prisoner.

Party B: Most sit down to rest, while Wilyur goes back to the cove.

Party A: Florél opens the trapped chest and almost dies from a poisoned needle. He finds breast plate armor and dons it. There are expensive cheeses and wines in the boxes.

The party reunites.

11:00am The party retraces their steps and takes a Long Rest on the wizard's rooftop (his name is Jendinmere. I'm definitely going to name an inn or tavern "The Wizard's Rooftop" at some point)

11:00pm <<<<<The Party sets a trap>>>>>

12:00am The party kills most of the smugglers and captures the leader. The prisoner turns out to be the son of a rich merchant.

Loot that needs to be calculated:

Wine and cheeses 550gp (Actual value 1000. Marked down because it is obviously stolen)

Reward for prisoner 800gp + the gratitude of a Thyatian merchant who is visiting the town of Vorloi.

Reward from Jendinmere 400gp + a ride home. (Mr Vagisil, Jura, Jigo, and Florél each get 50gp for killing cultists and 50 gp for killing smugglers)


*Arrive on the southern outskirts of Mirros and approach the Southern Gate.

*Encounter a guard familiar to Jake. The guard's speech lists a litany offences that usually ends with hanging as a punishment.

*Encounter the festival of Lucor, celebrating an ancestor of the Torenescu family who are nobles. This includes music, dancers, dancing bears, and various other performers. The festival is disrupted by members of the Radu, another noble family who are rivals to the Torenescu. The altercation is broken up by guardsmen.

*Jigo of the Bear Clan doesn't give a sh!t about any of that; he pissed and disheartened by bears' treatmen. When his entreaties to the bears are rebuffed, the barbarian decides to amend the problem later.

*With local inns crowded from the festival, the group is forced to stay in two separate establishments.

*Jigo hatches a plan to save the bears and it doesn't work. Three men and one bear are killed. Florél stays home.


*Florél is approached by Theosius for some work.

*Jake is approached by someone for work. It is still unknown who this person is.


*Florél and the group take their 1st job for Theosius. It turns out that the group must escort Simion Torenescu from the docks to his home in the Brick Top District. They are also escorted by members of the Beggars Guild.

*The group is ambushed by a mysterious group. They are led by a red haired man wielding divine magic. The group defeats them and escort the senator home. Everyone got 100gp.


*A lady runs into the inn claiming that demons are talking through her walls in her root cellar. The group investigates the cellar and finds orcs using slaves to dig underground. The group defeats the orcs.


*After a short rest and some discussion with the small crowd of gawkers forming outside, someone reports the incident to the local authorities. The group continues traveling through the tunnel with a local guardsman named Del.

* the group spies two hooded figures burying a body. They "unbury" the body and discover it's a noble woman who has been strangled.

*the group finds another passageway leading to yet another root cellar. There's not much to be found here except tracks left by the hooded figures. Another passage is found.

*the group comes to a partially collapsed cellar. They have some interaction with a g-g-ghost and Jigo discovers a buried metal box. Inside is a map to the Isle of Dread with part of a ship's log written by a notorious adventurer and explorer, Rory Barbarossa.

*the group travels to the next passage and find shovels, wheel barrows, and beams piled in the room. The group hides while a hooded figure enters from the trap door above. After Jura shapeshifts in to spider, he explores the room above but he doesn't find much.

*the group tracks down the hooded figure and capture him. The authorities arrest him for breaking&entering and for accessory to murder.

NOVEMBER 29 & 30

*The group investigates the Radu and Torenescu family.

*The Radu family did it 🤷


*The group will spend the next three months or so in Mirros


It is the end of November when the party exposes the Radu family of being behind The Veiled Society which was a clandestine group dedicated to destroying the Torenescu family and subverting Duke Stephan Karameikos' power.

The party has found an ally in Simione Torenescu, a prominent member of the Traladaran noble family. Also the party is popular with the local community of South Market for helping the lady with the Orcs.

While the Veiled Society has been thwarted and their leaders removed; former members have certainly survived and they certainly do not appreciate the party's efforts within the city of Mirros. But these remnants of the Radu family may be a story for another day for now.

Isle of Dread:

The party discovered Rory Barbarossa's ship log and map; two heirlooms that are worth 1000's of gold just at face value. Beyond just the value of these historic relics, though, is the information they contain. They provide precise coordinates to the Isle of Dread, a map of the island's exterior, and a brief description of some of the inhabitants.

To be clear, there have been adventuring parties that have travelled to the Isle of Dread since Rory Barbarossa. Few have return. The Isle remains a popular topic with sailors, old salts, and adventurers at the local tavern. Much speculation is made during these discussions, but little is actualy known.

The Bloodfang :

The Duke has offered a bounty of 5,000 GP to any adventurers that can destroy The Bloodfang, a group of goblins that are being led by two Mountain Orcs (a particularly large and intelligent Orc species).

Jura's Druid buddy knows where the Bloodfang's lair is hidden. It is roughly 5 miles south of the Sukiskyn Homestead and the entrance can be found in a narrow ravine.

The party spends winter in Mirros without incident.

March 3

*The party arrives in Sukiskyn and spends the night.

March 4

*the party travels to the entrance of The Bloodfang.

*Jura shape changes into a wolf and Wilyur turns invisible. Jigo uses his special abilities to stay in mental contact with Jura.

*Jura & Wilyur scout ahead while the others hang back a bit. The first two rooms are trapped but Jura is able to detect them.

*The whole group catches up in the second room.

* Jigo scouts ahead to the 3rd room where dogs are heard. Although he has unable to gain their trust, Jigo is able calm the unkept dogs. Goblins a heard in the next room.

* The party rushes into the next room where goblin archers are waiting. Jura takes heavy damage. Jake chases down the last goblin and kills it

*2 more goblins and a bugbear are encountered. Again, Jura takes heavy damage and is forced to drop his Wolf Form.

*The party comes to a crossroads and decides to go to room 'H'

March 4


*The group is at a crossroads. There are passages heading back north, east, southeast, or southwest.

*Jake sneaks into the passage heading southwest. It's the sleeping chamber of 2 goblins and a warlock who never gets a chance to cast a spell. The group sets an ambush and Jake kills everything. The group takes a Short Rest. Loot is found: An Alarm Spell Scroll, a Healing Potion.

*The group goes to the southeast passage with Jigo in the lead. He takes two arrows from the hobgoblins who were waiting in ambush behind some furniture. The group moves in and, if I remember correctly, Jake kills everything? Probably.

*The group goes back to the intersection and heads east. The passage splits northeast and south.

*The group heads south where there are two captured Traladaran farmers (Jayne wrote the names down). The're story is that they were captured by the Mountain Orc bandits while traveling from Mirros to Kelvin as part of a small caravan. Two captured guards were traded with the Wolf Skull Tribe. The traumatized farmers are malnourished and have several levels of Exhaustion (there are Exhaustion rules)

*The group back tracks and then heads northeast into a larger chamber with a pool of water. They exit to the northeast passage and come to a fork; one passage heading north and one heading east. The group goes east.

*A storage room of discarded wooden and metal parts. Jake finds a passage heading south, but it can only fit small creatures. Jake & Wilyur explore the passage.

*Jake & Wilyur find that the passage opens up and splits west and east. They decide to go west and find a pool of fetid water and then back track east then north. They find a large sleeping chamber with one sleeping goblin. They then back track to the group.

*The group then heads north into a horde of 14 goblins and 1 mountain orc. It's. about. to. go. down. In the first round Wilyur locks down the Mountain Orc with Phantasmal Force. The Orc now thinks he's balancing on a slab dungeon-floor falling through infinite space. Some goblins are killed. At the end of the first round, several more goblins run in from the north.

*We will pick up play at the top of the second round.

*Game time & date: 3:06pm, March 4, 1000 a.c.

The marathon Whack-a-mole session

So, we didn't explore much because the battle went on for six rounds; our longest battle by far. Goblins kept pouring in from the room to the north. It didn't help that I was rolling plenty of nat 20s and Jigo missed... everything. Everyone dropped below 0hp with the exception of Jake. So it was pretty much everyone barely hanging on and dropping, only to rise again (Whack-a-mole).

You will be facing the dreaded Wolf Skull tribe next. You're doing this in order to save some guardsman that are loyal to the Duke. Be prepared for more goblins and Dire Wolves. Also there's something much more sinister going on. Malgor, Jura's friend, has something to say about the history of their fortress, Largat Lajak.

On the bright side, this'll probably be the last time you will face goblins for a long while.

Loot: A bunch of gold from the Orc's hidden compartment and the captured farmers. A scroll of purify food&drink and scroll of reincarnate

***Reincarnate 5th level Spell***

You touch a dead humanoid or a piece of a dead humanoid. Provided that the creature has been dead no longer than 10 days, the spell forms a new adult body for it and then calls the soul to enter that body. If the target's soul isn't free or willing to do so, the spell fails.

The magic fashions a new body for the creature to inhabit, which likely causes the creature's race to change. The GM rolls a d100 and consults the following table to determine what form the creature takes when restored to life, or the GM chooses a form.*

The reincarnated creature recalls its former life and experiences. It retains the capabilities it had in its original form, except it exchanges its original race for the new one and changes its racial traits accordingly.

*I will create a list of potential races if you cast this spell

March 4

Return back to Sukiskyn and receive reward for captured farmers.

March 11

Leave Sukiskyn and travel east towards the Petrified Woods.

March 13

Enter the Petrified Woods. After an hour or two of travel, the group finds the goblin fortress.

Using a torch and an amplification device*, the group draws some goblins and dire wolves out of the fortress. Meanwhile, the goblin leader is roused and moving to meet the threat. The group manages to cut down 7-8 goblins and 5 Dire Wolves before the leader withdraws the remaining goblins/wolves back into the fortess. You know that there's at least 15 goblins and 3 dire wolves within the fortress.

*A magical trinket found in the Ruins of Zenopus

(This is a more detailed summary in addition to the one I posted on Oct 11)

Previously on "As Mystara World Turns..."

MARCH 4-11

The group has cleared out the Bloodfang lair and returned to the friendly homestead of Sukiskyn. You guys received a reward for returning the captured farmers and now seek to rescue the 2 Duke's Guardsmen that were traded to the Wolf Skull Tribe by the Bloodfang band. The Duke has offered 5,000 gp for a reward.

Malgor, Jura's Vyalia Elf Druid friend, had some things to say about the Wolf Skull tribe and their fortress:

*Largat Lajak fortress is close to impenetrable with one known entrance.

*Once the tribe has been alerted, you should be ready for the entire tribe to swarm you.

*Wolf Skull Tribe comprised of goblins, dire wolves, a strong leader, and 3-5 shaman.

*There's about 40 goblins in this tribe with 5-10 dire wolves

*Wolf Skulls have never been known to deal in slavery or ransoming prisoners, so it's a bit of a mystery as to why they would trade for the guardsmen.



You walked for 10 hours and camp outside of the petrified forest



9:42am You engage with the squad of goblins and dire wolves guarding the entrance. Although many goblins still live, the group kills 5 dire wolves. You know that at least 3 more dire wolves are still alive with 15-25 goblins in the entrance chamber.. This initial engagement lasts 4 rounds, which is about 24 seconds of game time.

Jura is concentrating on his Moonbeam spell with 6 rounds left until it expires

Jigo is getting his rage on with 6 rounds left until it expires.

Current date & time: March 13, 1000 A.C. 9:43am

March 13, 1000 A.C.


*The raid on Largat Lajak continues

*The group gathers on the other side of the bridge and Jura peaks into the fortress and is immediately spotted

*The group wastes no time and rushes the goblins and wolves.

*Jigo, Florél, and Jura form the front line blocking the entrance. While Jake, Claritin, and Wilyur maneuver in the back.

*A couple of scary moments where Wilyur and Jigo get dropped, but 'the Jig is up' 🤦 as they say, and the enemies are eventually grinded down.

*Jake scouts ahead and finds a lone human prisoner named Ergol.

*After some shenanigans, Jigo talks to Ergol . He's one of the guardsmen that was captured by the Bloodfang. There was another guardsman with him, but he was taken away yesterday. Ergol looks well fed. He says that despite some rough treatment; the goblins made it a point to feed them both very well, insisting that they finish eating everything.

*The other guardsman name is Gawler.

*The group explores the rest of this section of the fortress and finds treasure (see @ notes)

*The session ends with view of a circular door with strange writing on it. Wilyur recognizes it as some kind of demonic language (details forthcoming)

Current time: 11:00am

"Discretion is the better part of valor"

Wilyur uses the Cromprhend Languages ritual and discovers that the infernal writing says essentially "GTFO!"

The gang takes a Long Rest. Most of the PCs have disturbing nightmares of pits of fire, except Florél. His nightmares are swept away by divine intervention of his Immortal Patron, Calitha Starbrow. Jura is so frightened by his nightmares that he refuses to proceed.

The 5 PCs proceed through the circular door, Jigo wanders forward into the darkness and is swarmed by some sort of partially undead hobgoblin abominations with huge talons that cause paralysis. Oh, and they regenerate. The group manages to down the 3 creatures fairly easily, but they don't stay down. Someone eventually discovers that fire will stop the monster's regeneration ability. A spiral staircase is found leading down.

The group goes down the stairs and find a horrific scene. A hexagonal room with a square platform near the center. On top of the platform is a large egg shape thing (like something out of the Aliens movie). Extending from this egg are grayish purple umbilical cords that are attached to the chests of the goblins sticking to the wall. You also find the other guardsman. Also in this room are 3 more Hobgoblin abominations and 3 Infernal humanoid beings with snake like tentacles growing from their chins (kinda like a beard). These Internals are armed with long pole arms.

Within four rounds, the group realizes that they are out matched and retreat up the stairs.

To be continued

🤘👺🎶Running with the Devil🎶👺🤘

Jura observes Jake racing down the corridor towards him with the rest of the party not far behind, including Claritin carrying an unconscious Florél.

As the group makes it way to the exit, one of the Bearded Devils calls out "Do you want your friend? He still lives!" He is referring to the missing guardsman that is attached to the wall in the chamber below. By this time, the group has passed through the Devil Door. A discussion ensues and a deal is struck. The Devils want the Dire Wolf corpses and in exchange they will provide the "guardsman body." Hearing the phrase "guardsman body," the group assumes that the guardsman is as good as dead already and they will be cheated. Considering that the group is literally "making a deal with the devil," this is not a bad assumption. It is also revealed that the Devils are bound to this area and cannot cross the threshold of the Devil Door.

The group takes a short rest to recover instead of gathering the corpses as promised. Claritin wraps ten arrows in oily rags. Later he will light them and use them on the regenerating Thouls who can only be permanently damaged by fire. After an hour the party gathers at the doorway... and hesitates. So Jura pulls a Leroy Jenkins and rushes forth, claws and fangs glowing with a magical light, gaining surprise on everyone (including his own party). The fight is on. This time around, things go much better for the party and they manage to defeat unholy fiends.

The group heads downstairs to the chamber. Florél destroys the egg and is covered in green ichor. Some half formed embryonic devil falls out, squirms around a bit, and dies. The group recovers the still living guardsman and captures one of the goblins attach to the wall.

It's a bit ironic that the Devils were acting in good faith, while the party never had any intention of honoring the deal 😜

Year: 1000 A.C.

March 31- Meet with Duke

*The duke offers 3,000 gp investment.

*Pale Countess: A ship sent by Duke to set up an outpost and establish a teleportation circle. It was lost at sea when a Roc carried it off.

*The Vorloi family offer 1,500 gp investment.

*Kulgan is interested in all artwork and relics from the Tanoroa culture, probably other cultures' items as well.

*Explore hex for 50gp per hex. Just needs to be SEEN. Landmarks will be given bonus gold.

April 30 - Break in

*A month after meeting with the duke, a strange incident occurs. Your lodging had been slightly ransacked ; things were left a mess but nothing was stolen or destroyed.

May 1 - Fame

*After you meet with the duke, word spreads of your adventures. Within weeks you are recognized as heroes amongst the populace. Your deeds are placed into song. These deeds include: exposing the traitorous Radu family, freeing the farmers from the Bloodfang band, and braving the cursed Petrified Forest in order to save a guardsman. This guardsman just happens to be a nephew in the Vorloi family.

May 20 - Radu agents captured

*Radu agents were found with an exact copy of your map. The agents confess to stealing and copying it. The map was sold to the Darokin Adventurer's Guild. This guild is based in the country of Darokin but operates throughout the Known World. Dozens of the map are produced, driving the value down to 100 gp.

June 30- Darokin Adventurer's Guild offers reward for completing map.

*The Darokin Adventurer's Guild launches several dozen ships bound for the Isle of Dread from various Darokin ports. In the coming months many will return with diminished crews having never reached sight of the Isle. All others never return. Despite no clear sign of success, this Adventurer's Guild still offers reward to map the Isle. Moreso, the alluring tale of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan still attracts greedy and the foolish.

*Now you have competition.

July 1 - Strategy to counter Darokin Adventurer's Guild.

*In response to the Darokin Adventurer's Guild's underhanded actions; the Duke, you guys, and House Vorloi devise a plan. Instead of sending many ships of Adventurers, you all decide to send one ship of Adventurers. Money and titles are promised to this group exclusively.

*This is when your back up characters + Steve Placeholdestart to get introduced.

Year 1001 A.C.

*End of march -embark for the isle of Dread.

5000 Shire Sling Bullets 250 gp

5000 Arrows 250Gp

5000 Crossbow bolts 250gp

5 Acid 125gp

9 Anti-Toxin 450gp

10 Backpack 20gp

10 Ball bearings 10gp

5 Barrel 10gp

10 Bedroll 10gp

10 Caltrops 10gp

10 Chain (10 feet) 50gp

20 Case, scroll 20gp

100 Chalk 1gp

10 Chest 50gp

6 Climber's Kit 150gp

10 Traveler's Clothes 20gp

5 Crowbar 10gp

10 Fishing Tackle 10gp

6 Grappling Hook 12gp

10 Healers kit 50gp

10 Holy water 250gp

10 Ink 100gp

10 Lantern, bull's eye 100gp

5 Lock 50gp

1 Magnifying Glass 100gp

5 Manacles 10gp

5 Mirror 25

100 oil flasks 10gp

100 Paper 20gp

10 Pick, miner's 20gp

20 Pole, 10 foot 1gp

20 Potion of healing 1000gp

1 Ram, portable 4gp

150 Rations 30gp

6 Rope, silk (50 ft) 60gp

6 Shovel 12gp

6 Signal whistle 5sp

1 Spy glass 1000

5 Tent, 2 person 10gp

10 Tinder box 5gp

100 Torch 1gp




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