The second-in-command anchored your caravel ship (named 'Ria Taia' or 'Bright Sky') north of the island and you managed to row a boat ashore without being seen, hallelujah. Then the group made a 2 hour hike up and around the jagged slopes and found an isolted spot to watch the village. A camouflaged encampment was created and you observed the Jawalaas for 24 hours.
There's about 50 Jawalaas, most of them grown men. All the children and women (approx 20 total) are grouped in two huts on the south side of the village. Most of their day is spent tending to children, repairing nets, and preparing food.
The men spend most of their day fishing, making use of nets and spears to do so. A small squad of 6 men travel onto the island and apparently forage for supplies and food.
The leader also fishes, but he doesn't use a boat or a net. He uses his teeth and bare hands. You've observed him diving under the water and then surfacing 5 minutes later with a fish wriggling in his teeth. Speaking of his teeth... Using the spy glass, you can tell they're pointed. Apparently, he filed them down to points. He also sleeps out in the open in a hammock. Underneath the hammock is an open treasure chest with the glint of coins on top. The treasure chest seems safe since, with the exception of two guards, no one else is seen to go on to his platform.
edit to add: He wears a necklace of polished obsidian stones.
The Ceremony
Before the sun goes down, everyone gathers in their boats and listen to him speak. It seems to be a ritual of some kind, probably religious. At the end of the ritual, the three prisoners are presented to the leader. The three prisoners are all dwarves; two male and one female. Judging from their puffy shirts, Flo'rel can tell they're from Minrothad.
The Minrothad dwarves have a penchant for undershirts with puffy sleeves and collars (Google "Seinfeld puffy shirt" for reference). It's impossible to tell their social station within the strict dwarven hierarchy since they've been stripped of all possessions and look exhausted and beaten.
Near the end of the ceremony, the leader cuts a piece of flesh from each prisoner and eats it in front of them, while the men chant and wave their spears. Then the leader completes the ceremony by gesticulating towards the prisoners and then towards three stone pillars sticking up out of the ocean east of the village. Judging from the manacles dangling from the pillars, this is where they plan to sacrifice the dwarves.
Warning: You do not speak their language. It's going to be real tough communicating without Wilyur's "Comprehend Language" spell
Edit to add: I just remembered that Bistek probably has it

Green arrow: points to location of group which is 100 feet northwest off the edge of the map
Red circles: west circle where the foragers land their boats in the morning south circle where the women and children are located east circle where the leader is located if not swimming.
Blue Circles: hut where dwarves are located east circle sacrificial pillars
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