Not a thing on this plane exists without cost, and no shortage of those willing to pay...

No night shone as brightly as did then. Nor was any price for passage so steep. The towering pillarmen lumbered at pace, undeterred by our makeshift defense.
We littered the air with arrows and spears, pale heavenly light; they did not slow.
As an ox minds its business undeterred, our projectiles and spells were scorched by their aura like a tail swats a fly.
We clashed.
Our group struck first, engaging the three giants. The bard constrained one with mind magic, forcing its halt as the party pummeled its unyielding flame hide.
The other two on our right and left flanks broke through our line with little resistance. They simply... slipped by, as fire would, uninterested with combatants. We all turned to find their true objective - our Huutakan priest who guarded The Book of Rituals in the back line.

Immediately, those of us who could dashed back to guard them. Miku's exceptional speed allowed her first chance.
And with a single swing of the elemenatal's burning fist, a Huutakan priest and our Rakastan scout were reduced to smoldering ash.
It happened in a flash, and none of us could react quickly enough to save either.
The book had to be protected. The third elemental had broken free at this point and from the distance, magmin could be seen sprinting to the chaos.
Hope was waning.

The second priest had doused the charred corpse of his comrade and retrieved the book intact; he quickly tossed the book to Bistek who was near enough to receive it.
Through the carnage of fire, the priest - and soon we - had realized... all they want is the book.
The bard reach out, book in hand, as I ran past them. I received it. And thus my charge was clear, keep the book far from the enemy.

Naturally, I ran toward the stream where Balthazar held an elemental at bay on his own.
He was drench in water and his clothing was singed.
He urged me down the stream as he held off the fiend.

And so I did.
Upriver, Florel's radiant magic was working on the titans. He and the rest of our envoy pummeled the elemental.
The flame titans had ceased their assault on the party.
Every bit of their movement, every course of action they took was directed to catching the book carrier. I intended to keep it that way.

The bard managed to restrain his titan again. As surrounding allies relentlessly cut and slash the beasts.
Dirkbrüe too reigned his now blackened fists on the flame elementals.
The titans' pursuit of the book would be their downfall.
My abjuration magic kept me just safe enough to allow the rest of the team ample time to whittle down the flaming menaces. One by one, the fire elementals were vanquished, their flames dissipating in to the night sky.
The magmin too were entranced by the presence of the book. Leaving them easy pickings for Flo'rel and Balthazar's magic spears.

The second priest - who found the book among the ashes of his compatriot - would deal the final blow and still the fiery night.
Myoji, a journeyman priest, had avenged his kinsman.
Our losses seemed unavoidable, yet still a sense of guilt and despair hung among the survivors.

Miku, had been our first meaningful contact outside of Tanaroa on this forsaken, enigmatic island.
She had been with us through every step of this pilgrimage, and yet a step short of witnessing her people's prophecy.
She is now gone. And was little left to bury.

And yet we march onward.
For we have promises to keep,
and miles to go before we sleep.