Reminder: No game tonight. Well start up again on Sunday, May 22nd. I'll post a session preview later on this week.
The group is about to enter the Temple of Pflarr which will lead to the Lost Shrine of Rajas'el-Najar. This means that the completion of the Rakasta Quest is on the horizon. My best guess is that we have about 8 sessions left, give or take.
After this is done I'll be taking a break from DMing. The plan was for Diover to start running a Dark Souls RPG campaign. Unfortunately, the book is a mess and has been given the "thumbs down" by ALL critics. The company has made an apology along with promises to fix the problems, but I have serious doubts of their capabilities.
Anyway, I just wanted to take a second to write about where we're at from a broader perspective. We'll have plenty of time to figure what to do next. Perhaps Diover is figuring out a solution already?
PS Apologies to Diover for pressuring him to run Dark Souls. I swear to god I thought it was gonna be kewl and awesome. 🤷