The Prophecy:
After entering the shrine and passing the guardians, there will be a long flight of stairs. This is when The Five Tests of the Faithful begins
Test of Perception
Test of Agility
Test of Patience
Test of Climbing
Test of Teamwork
#1 Some Downtime
After Balthazar made his transmorgification, the group and the Rakasta explored this small idyllic mountain valley. They tracked the small stream northward until it dropped into a waterfall. This could be a potential exit for the return trip. These particular Rakasta are trained explorers, so they were able to locate which hex your are currently in. The blue circle marks the spot:

After five days, the Red Suns and the Rakasta traveled to the Lost Shrine Of Rajas'el-Najar.
#2 Entrance
The entrance to the Shrine was easily the largest thing in the valley. The front portion of a male lion's body was carved out of the mountain side with its forepaws extended in front; kind of like the Egyptian Sphinx. The lion's jaw was dropped down and stairs were carved where its mouth should be and a large door was seen within its "throat."
Carved along its paws were the words "Speak in Raja's Honor or Cower to His Roar."
Hinata said "Hope is the heart of the faith. Abandonment of hope is a denial of the Faith." Then nothing happened. Then Hinata turned to you and said "It is done. I have spoken in Raja's Honor."
10,000 Experience Points for successfully escorting the Rakasta to the Lost Shrine.
#3 Trapped Door
After climbing the stairs, the group entered a large 30 foot tall room. Six columns with depictions of Rakasta in battle supported the ceiling. Two huge 15 foot tall doors were seen at the other end. Carved into the doors were two walnut-sized indentations. Two amber sabre-toothed tiger statues on daises flanked the huge doors.
Bistek, who has seen more than a few lifeless statues suddenly spring to life, took a closer look at one of the Amber Statues. The Bard was able to detect that these Amber ones were yet another construct that will animate when triggered.
"It looks like a puzzle to be solved" Hinata Dee'em-Enpeesee added.
It took a while, but the group figured out that the eyes of the Amber Golems could fit into the indentations on the doors and they unlocked them.
3,600 Experience Points

#4 Mummified tiger Guardians
Next was a similarly sized room, but with 6 mummified inanimate Tigers on platforms in the center and 9 large doors lining the walls. The group started to fan out into the room ...and SURPRISE bitches! The lifeless tigers suddenly sprang to life! Totally got ya!
It was a fairly difficult fight. Who knows what would have happened if you guys had fought the Amber Statues? Things are bad as it stands though, Flo'rel has been inflicted with an un-healable wound along his torso side. Hinata has diagnosed this wound as a "Mummy's Curse." A known cure for it is the 3rd level spell Remove Curse.
Flo'rel's maximum hit points have been reduced and they will continue to reduce at the rate of 3 hp every 24 hours until he reaches 0 hp. At 0 hp the cursed wound has spread into a vital organ and Flo'rel will be dead. Within 60 seconds he will turn to dust.
The group spent 3 hours searching until they found the secret door leading to some stairs.
4,200 Experience points.

Total XP is 17,600 rounded up to 18,000 for easy math.
Each character gets 3,000 XP