Having explored the entire western wing of the Temple of Pflarr, the mighty Red Suns decided to have snacks and take a nap. During this nap time some Ghasts came knock, knock, knocking on the door. The group woke from their slumber and maneuvered into position. A Rakasta got his face eaten. Bistek had to rely on some obscure knowledge written by the ancient wizard Pythagoras* in order to defeat his foes. The remaining Ghasts were mopped up and the group took a Short Rest.
The group explored the eastern wing and found a stairway that spiraled downward about 150 feet before reaching the crypt room. Eight sarcophagi lined the walls. The group knew that there was a concealed door behind one of them. Lo and behold! The group managed to find the correct sarcophagus on the first try. Unable to resist leaving well enough alone, the group decided to open the rest of the them. The group was rewarded with a hostile mummy, a magical mace engraved with Hutaakan symbols, and a lute**. The mummy was dispatched, Cyd took the mace, and Bistek took the lute.
The group took a short rest and then traveled the downward sloping secret passage. The Hutaakan priest related the reasons for the creation of this passage. Apparently the High Priests liked to dispose of some their sacrifices discreetly, typically these were political enemies. Fissures could be seen long the wall and some of them widen to 2-3 feet. These wider ones were covered in Kartoeba slime and movement could be seen when Cyd peered in. The group considered exploring it, but quickly dismissed it and continued on.
They came upon a strange oval shaped room. On the far side of the room was a rounded stone slab covering a 5 foot hole. The heavy stone was removed and a Greased slide could be seen. Bistek tied a rope to his waist, lit a torch, and jumped down the hole. The Bard slid down about 20 feet into a foul and fleshy slurry; bones and entrails could be seen with a nice layer of green slime on top. Something unseen could be felt sliding along his boot. Regretting his decision, Bistek asked to be hauled back up.
This time both Balthazar and Bistek slid down. Balthazar Water-walking boots came in handy, since it allowed him to walk on top of the muck. Bistek used his nifty Lute to cast a Fly spell. Slimy suction sounds could heard from the far corner of the cavernous room. Bistek Flew over with torch in hand and spotted the tentacled monstrosity known as Kartoeba. The fight was on
Balthazar raced over the surface of the flesh swamp while everyone jumped down the hole. Unfortunately for Balthazar, he had to take the full brunt of Kartoeba's initial attack. The fighter managed to shrug off any attempts at entanglement from the tentacles and bony slime aberrations that rose up and tried to drag him down. He was slapped around for some heavy damage though.

* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uthjpYKD7Ng
A2 + B2 = C2
Bistek was standing on a 20 foot high balcony. The Ghast was 40 feet away horizontally.
20 feet Vertical. 40 feet Horizontal.
20(20) + 40(40) = C(C)
400 + 1600 = 2000
Square root of 2000 = 44.72 feet is the distance traveled by the Eldritch Blast.
** The Mummy was Rakasta (cat) NOT Hutaaka (fox).
Mace, Magical: + 1D4 Force Damage
Doss Lute, Instrument of the Bards (Requires Attunement)
Animal friendship
Protection from energy (fire only)
Protection from good/evil
Protection from Poison