Magmin and mephits 1200
You destroyed the Magma things.
The group tried several unorthodox methods, but failed to put out the flame.
Travel to northern village. 500
A bright blue flame could be seen on the side of the mountain.
You continued west after reaching a village to the north.
Encounter cavemen 700
3 dead cavemen killed by Hutaakan
Hate Fox men for enslaving them
They've been at war for several years.
The war escalated 6 months ago when the Temple of Pflarr was desecrated.
This caused Undead to be unleashed.
Earthquakes also started happening.
A month ago an earthquake hit that caused fissures to appear and hostile Fire creatures started to appear.
Encounter Hutaakan 700
(See Cavemen entry)
Go to Byxata 700
The Hutakaaka leader, named Foredz, says that a book found in the Vault of the Elders contains a ritual that will heal the desecrated temple.
He believes Fire Elementals in the Valley are causing the Magma creatures to spawn.
If you spend a week in Byxata; then Dirkbrew, Cyd, and Balthazar can Level Up
Session Total XP 3,800 ÷ 6 = 633.33 (640)
Session XP
Balthazar 960
Bistek 960
Cyd 960
Dirkbrew 960
Djura 640
Flo'rel 640
Total Character XP
Balthazar 6,095
Bistek 9,125
Cyd 6,635
Dirkbrew 5,300
Djura 13,445
Flo'rel 14,295