There are some important notes here, but I'll leave the narrative to Diover.
Akio's wake and meeting with Hinata 1000
You all traveled to a small, safe clearing near the gates and had a Long Rest. Along the way you saw clues of an ancient, well built road. You also saw evidence of recent earthquakes.
The Rakasta had a wake for their fallen comrade (named Akio).
Hinata met and explained a few things to you. Miku was their to interpret.
When Rajas'el-Najar arrived on the Isle hundreds of years ago, he brought the Hutaakan people (Fox people) with him. They were known to be skilled artisans and craftsmen.
It is believed that they were the ones to actually build Najar's shrine. The Children found remnants of a map of Hutaaka Valley (eastern half) in a small tomb on the Isle. They were also able to recover writings that reference the "Guardian of Najar."
Only someone who can speak the Rakastan language can pass the Hutaakan gates and enter the Shrine of Najar.
The Rakasta are willing to die in order to achieve their goal, but someone needs to survive.
Hutaakan Gates 700
An open side passage was found. That's weird.
Strange silence.
First village 700
Defaced Hutaakan statues. Like everywhere else
Signs of earthquakes. Like everywhere else
Non threatening undead. Like everywhere else.
Second village 700
See first village.
Blue Fire ?
Blue flame shooting from a ground fissure.
Burnt corpses lie nearby.
Fire Flies and Magma men are attacking you.
Experience points
Balthazar 760
Bistek 760
Cyd 760
Dirk 760
Djura 520
Flo'rel 520
3100 Total ÷ 6 Players = 520 (516.667)
XP Totals
Here are the current experience point totals that I have for you. Let me know if I need to correct anything.
It looks like Balthazar, Cyd, and maybe Dirkbrue will level up the next time you find a safe place to rest for a couple weeks. Bistek is closing in on 5th level
Balthazar 4125+1,010 = 5,135
Bistek 7165 + 1,010 = 8,165
Cyd 4665 + 1,010 = 5,675
Dirkbrue 3340 + 1010 = 4,340
Djura 12,210 + 695 = 12,805
Flo'rel 12,960 + 695 = 13,655