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The Australia of Dungeons


Encounter #1 Desperate Serfs

Dwight and Shoost were forced into indentured servitude by a family member's gambling debts Their owner was a merchant who was traveling with the caravan. This merchant unexpectedly died. The caravan leaders, being ever pragmatic, started eyeing the two servants as loose ends that needed to be snipped. So Dwight and Shoost decided to take on a life of adventuring.

They snuck away at the first opportunity; then the wizard and warrior backtracked to the Oasis and found the dungeon. It was a bit unnerving that they were being tracked by a dragon, although nothing came of it. After exploring the dungeon for a bit, they ran into Kane while traversing the checkered squares. The gang was suspicious of the pair, but grudgingly relented to having them join their group.



Encounter #2 The Tomb Revealed?

Using the Knock spell scroll, Dwimble unlocked the bronze door and what lay beyond was revealed. Roughly a forty foot square room. Stairs leading up to a dais was in the center of the room; on top of the dais was a sarcophagus. Some rubble could be seen on the stairs plus some tools. In the two far corners and the right corner of the room, stood three faceless statues. The statues appear to be granite, but the stone has a strange, waxy feel.

The gang spent the next hour or so exploring the room. Orn found a plaster covered secret door, while Turmus found that the lid of the sarcophagus was dismembered by a hammer and chisel. Inside the sarcophagus was a hole with a ladder leading down.

Meanwhile, Orn failed to find to find the mechanism that would unlock the door. Dwight decided to use his flail lock pick and succeeded in getting the door open. Unfortunately, a plume of black spores was released when Dwight destroyed the door with his weapon. The warrior inhaled the spores and immediately started hacking until he was coughing up blood. Luckily, Eni was able to heal him.



Encounter #3 Frigid Second Tomb

Various party members explored the small room which contained another ornate sarcophagus. They noticed that the room was much cooler and the coldness was emanating from the sarcophagus. In fact, the stone was so cold that it grew painful if a hand was in contact for too long. Frankn' Beans decided to smash it open with the warrior's a lockpick. The rest of the group cleared the room and Beans got to work. After ten minutes of hacking, Beans finally broke through the lid and was blasted in the face with painfully frigid air. Luckily he survived.



Encounter #4 Treasure Room?

Dwight climbed down the ladder under the sarcophagus. The tight tunnel led straight down for 15 feet and eastward for another 20 or 30 feet. The tunnel opened up into small 15 by 15 foot room with shelves carved into the wall. On the shelves were various jars and jugs. Dwight started opening them. He found some kickbacks in the first jars, then found a jar full of mechanical scarab beetles, which awoke and swarmed on the warrior. The warrior ran screaming up the ladder trying to scrape $#@!ers off of him. The party was able scrape and crunch the beetles before Dwight was devoured. He was healed by Eni.

Dwimble, feeling irresistable pull of the void, decided to open the rest of the jars. He managed to find the other half of the sceptre, which completes the Rod of Rulership [Magic Item: Cast charm person add level and personality bonus to the roll]. He also managed to find Scarab beetles which devoured him. With the Rod of Rulership in Kane's possession, the group decided to leave.



Encounter #4 Cyprius Returns

The gang took a long rest and recovered one hit point. Cyprius paid another visit, which the party did not appreciate. The dragon returned the magical Jar of Steve and requested [demanded] that they retrieve some Jewels that are located in an unknown and unexplored part of the dungeon. Orn, still smarting from the lack of coin, did not like the request; so he decided to renegotiate. Cyprius did not seem to appreciate this and decided to leave.



Encounter #5 Return Home

Nothing much happened on their two week return trip, except that sighted Cyprius flying overhead. Once within the friendly confines of Iruk, Orn took his tracing of the Serpent to a local antiques dealer. The dealer agreed that the stone hieroglyphics would certainly be valuable and offered money for them. Orn decided to renegotiate. The thief demanded half the money up front. The dealer laughed at him and asked that the bodyguards escort him out. Foddir the Elf searched Barothet's Bazaar for a good weapon to kill a dragon, but none of the merchant even knew what a dragon was. So his search was fruitless.



Session xp: 10

Total xp for this adventure: 30



Eni still needs to go to the "Abandoned Oasis" which is in the middle of the city. Once there, he'll need to contact the alien-goat-people and inform them that the gang found the Rod of Rulership.


Tommy's new character


Brandon's new character



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