When we complete the adventure regarding the missing stars, then this game will come to an end. There is much to happen between now and the end, however. My best guess is that we will wrap things up near the end of March* or beginning of April* of 2024. But who knows? It's just a guess.
In case you forgot it or missed it: In our last session Eni followed up on a rumor about 2 missing stars. A young librarian from the Lore Guild was investigating it, but he did not have much info at this point.
Your Lucky Birth Signs for each of your characters will become important, even if it doesn't affect your rolls. Also, sooner or later the gods are going to get involved. Your characters may need to pick a deity to worship. Your character can also choose not to worship any.
We'll go through this stuff again at the beginning of next session. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I do have ideas for what game I want to run next, but maybe somebody else wants to run a game?
*I changed these dates. I originally wrote February/March.