It's been over a month as I attempt to write this recap. I'll just give a brief review of each major encounter that I can recall. We'll have to figure out supplies and distance travelled when we meet. I don't expect it to be exact, just something that we can agree upon.
Everyone gets 10 xp
If you forget why you're on this long road trip, then please read this blog post:
The Oasis Trap
Y'all came upon a oasis surrounded by cliffs with some small trees along the oasis shore. A PC that scouted ahead spotted some nets on the ground and then some humans attempting to hide in the trees. AMBUSH!
The numbers on each side was even, but you managed to come out on top along with some prisoners
Alex's Character died.
The party decided to replace their number with one of the prisoners. The other one was left behind.
Village of the Condemned
After becoming lost for half the day, the gang found themselves following a river with steep walls:

The river lessened to a trickle as they followed and eventually ended, and you guys were following a dry a riverbed. The path then widened, and you stumbled upon a village. High strangeness abounds! WTF was a village doing out here??? It's hundreds of miles away from any known civilization. Again, wtf? No sound could be heard, and it was assumed by the party to be abandoned by the original inhabitants.
The villagers' demise became apparent when one of your party discovered a journal describing the Village's final days. The journal was found in a Temple dedicated to an unknown Sun Goddess and written by a Priestess named Zummural.
The village refused to provide some travelers with supplies; whether the refusal is because they lacked supplies, or the villagers did not want to share is unclear. She went on to describe these travelers with suspicion, using derisive descriptors like "cabal of witches," "dirty beggars," or "thieving wanderers."
Anyway, on the evening after their refusal; the Priestess recounted wailing and chanting echoing off the rocky cliffs surrounding the village. Then nothing more was heard from the travelers. They did not return and no attempt was made to steal the village's goods.
Several days later, a deadly illness infected the village. Unfortunately for the villagers, the dead did not stay dead. The village was overran by these undead. The Priestess was last inhabitant, as far as she knew, and she fled the village.
The party explored other buildings hoping to find some loot. Unfortunately all they found were some animated skeletons. The thing that made the group say "Fuck this noise! We're outta here!" was the voices of children pleading for help.
Aother Caravan
Twenty-four hours later the group was back on course and decided to camp for the night near a small watering hole. Midway through the first watch, the PCs spotted a caravan travelling towards them.
The caravan has five wagons and is heavily guarded. The leader is a fortune teller named Falena. They have set up their encampment near yours, on the oppisite side of the watering hole. They seem friendly enough...