Encounter 1 [2 xp]
Having surpassed the deadly trap involving sparks and a pit of petroleum, the gang turned the corner and found that the passage sloped downward. Also they could smell papyrus coming from a side passage. Up ahead, in the main passage, the glint reflecting off of a huge bronze door could be seen. The walls and ceiling in the main passage depicted "scenes of war, diplomacy, and royalty; the hallway is a historical record of some period in the valley long ago."
The group splits up into several directions.
Turmus approached the side passage and exclaimed that the place "smells like learnin" with clear disgust. Eni, Drumble, Foddir, and Orn explored the side passage and discovered 4 ante chambers; with each of them containing a lectern, books, and other nick nacks. Most of the books crumbled to dust when handled, except one which contained an indecipherable language. The prized possessions were the Wizard's scrolls sitting on a lectern in each room. The spells were engraved on metal sheets that weighed about a 1/2 pound. [Knock, Spider Climb, Flaming Hands, Ropework.]
Baltor the Warrior, later followed by Kane, decided to inspect the door and the main passage. As Baltor approached the huge Bronze door, the walls glowed for a moment, then dimmed followed by a faint smell of ozone. He soon realized that the door did not open inward or outward, but it actually opened uppward. Also Baltor, building on some realizations that Eni had earlier, began to have some insights about the Hieroglyphs surrounding the door. Unfortunately, he never got around to sharing these insights with the rest of the group.
Rork Enbeans and Turmus, being none too bright, just hung out in the main passage.
Drumble/Foddir miraculously found an intact textbook in the library, but couldn't decipher the language. Orn searched for parchment and soot to trace the hieroglyphs. Eventually he was able to achieve this [I'm not sure when].
Baltor and Kane chucked rocks at the door until the rest of the party joined them. Baltor used the thieves' tools that he looted to pry a gem he found attached to the Bronze door and failed. Orn offered his expertise for a split on the gem's value and a deal was struck. Two of the strongest in the party attempted to lift the Bronze Door with a crowbar, but it was far too heavy. Drumble used the Knock Spell as a scroll and failed.
A dead end. A distant boom and tremble was felt and heard coming from the entrance side of the dungeon.
Encounter 2 [1 xp]
The group headed back. The gang returned across the bridge without incident, except Baltor who was last in line. The shovel that was wedged in the spinning-spark-log was loosened and fell when Baltor rope-shimmied across. He was able to catch his grip on the rope as the board spun, flinging a shower of sparks into the petroleum pit below. A rush of hot air and flames rushed upward towards Baltor as the hard luck warrior scrambled to the other side. After that, the gang then held their collective breath and rushed past the checkered squares. They all made it to the other side without incident.
Encounter 3 [1 xp]
Eni heard hee-haws and neighing from their beasts and the strong scent of their manure hit him before he could turn the corner. He peeked past the first pit trapped hallway with Steve's body now frying at the bottom laying on top of heated copper coils. The scent of Steve had turned from hot dog water to fried bologna. The Witness of Cthulhu had no time for that though, because his attention was squarely on the giant copper lizard's head peering into the foyer. The head and shoulders filled the large doorway. It seemed content to just look around without poking its head into crypt. Until the lizard's cat like gaze spotted Eni.
It then backed from the entrance and Eni could see that it was covered with copper scales and the size of a small house [and had wings]. It spoke the Common language "You destroyed my favorite watering hole. But I just want to talk. Perhaps an agreement can be made." Eni has never seen or heard of such a creature, nor anyone else.
The group emerged from the crypt and negotiated. [I forgot to call for the save to get across the open pit.] Cue the awkward DM improv...
The dragon seemed miffed that you took away his favorite watering hole
He demanded the Amphora Amphora of the Leokampoi (aka The Jar of Steve) as payment.
He seemed curious about what you guys were doing in there
His name is Cyprius
He hooked the handle of the Jar of Steve in one talon and flew off (omg, it was spectacular)
With the petroleum pit ablaze, the gang decided to wait things out. They camped in the Foyer without incident. [Disapproval was lowered by 1. Spell burn was reduced by 1. A Hit point was recovered]
Encounter 4 [1 xp]
The gang crossed the first pit [I remembered to call for save rolls]. They returned to to 'T' intersection at the promenade. Baltor checked the traps to the south and found that the heat from blaze had diminished significantly, but heat was still present. The gang decided to head north from the promenade towards an unexplored area.
An antechamber was found that contained three 12 foot long timber. The used this to bridge the first pit trap, making it much safer to cross. [No save necessary, unless you attempt to cross during combat]
Encounter 5 [2 xp]
Continuing north, the gang found a room with some statues and bronze door on the other side of the room. A few statues were scattered across the ground mixed in with a couple of skeleton. Most of the statues were on pedestals lining the room; these were dressed in golden breast plate and halberds. Unsurprisingly, two of the statues animated and attacked. [A series of bad player rolls and good DM rolls ensued]. Baltor the Unlucky [Luck 4] became the focus of the animated statues attacks. He was downed once, Eni saved him, then Baltor was downed permanently with a halberd to the neck.
You guys looted the bones and took a halberd. The golden breast plate dissolved once the statues were destroyed. The bronze door on the other side turned out to be a false door. Someone found a Knock spell.
Encounter 6 [1 xp]
Once the fire cooled down in the petroleum, the gang returned to the second bronze and tried to use the Knock spell found on the dead adventurers. Drumble performed a blood ritual to ensure that the casting would go right [Spell Burn 8 points]. It failed, but did not waste the scroll [He rolled a total of 12.] Having already sacrificed most of his physical form, the frustrated wizard attempted one more time... success! A small click was heard from the bottom of the Bronze door and the door silently raised up. The gang braced themselves for whatever was coming next. Current game time is around noon.
Session xp: 8
Total xp for survivors: 20
End Session
A wizard and a warrior approached the crypt entrance. They were former indentured servants of a merchant who was part of the caravan crossing the Blood Plains. The merchant died and there's no actual law of indentured servitude on the Blood Plains, so they were free. The pair decided to sneak away with some food & water, then track down the adventurers. They hoped to return to Iruk because wherever the caravan was going sounded even worse than surviving the desert. They think they might have been followed, but that might have been a mirage [If no one else dies, then it's a mirage. If characters die, then these are future characters]
Alex: We need to create your characters. Can I meet with you in a Zoom call? Sunday afternoon? My guess is that this will take about an hour. I'd rather get this done while we're not actually playing.
Tommy: We forgot to roll for your Patron Bonds. It was suppose to happen before the adventure started. This should take less than 10 minutes. We can do this through Zoom when I meet with Alex on Zoom or we can do this at the table.