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5 Step Travel Process

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

The 5 Step Travel Process

I created this to keep play a little more organized. Feedback welcomed! I really liked how the game developed in the last session, but it felt like things were running together a bit. Example, I would be rolling encounters for one day and you guys were already discussing your travel plans for the following day. Hopefully using this process will keep everyone on the same page. Also using these procedures will give you a chance to flesh out your characters a bit (step #5).



  • Navigator: Interprets the journal description and determines the direction of the next Landmark.

  • Scout: the person(s) "on point" or traveling ahead of caravan. Burns the most calories.

  • 2 Hostlers: persons in charge of herding, feeding, and watering the mules.

  • Forager: person(s) scavenging for edible vegetation and small game (includes rodents and insects).


#1 Players set speed for the day.

The character(s) that scouts ahead of the group sets the speed in play.

  • SLOW The Scout is traveling 50' to 150' ahead of your caravan. The Scout will often confer with the Navigator, meanwhile the caravan stops.

  • NORMAL The Scout is traveling 50' ahead of caravan. The Scout occasionally confers with Navigator.

  • FAST The Scout is traveling 10' in front of the caravan. No conferences just keep fucking movin'

#2 The DM rolls for encounters.

  • This can occur while traveling (this step) or it can also occur during Watch (step #5)

  • TRAVEL ENCOUNTER DM describes the scene and players react.

#3 Navigator rolls TRAVEL CHECK.

  • Mark progress on map.

#4 Foragers roll FORAGE CHECK.

  • Add to food stocks.

  • Remaining Food for characters and mules is determined.

#5 Watch Schedule is determined.

5 shifts with 2 characters per shift.

  • Nightly Encounter Spotlight. DM rolls a d5 die and describes the scene. Players describe their activity during the watch. This is a chance to flesh out your characters a bit.

  • Random Encounter. If a Night Encounter is determined in step #2, then it occurs during the Watch that is being Spotlighted (see bullet point just above).



Movement Speed

FAST 1.5 Hex -2 Perception -2 Navigation (no forage or sneak)

NORMAL 1 Hex No Change (Forage only)

SLOW 0.5 Hex +2 Perception +2 Navigation (Sneak allowed and Forage +2 allowed)


Following the Landmarks (aka Staying on the Trail): DC 8 Intelligence. Failure means you guys missed the next Landmark and are lost.


Rediscovering the Trail is DC 8. This assumes that the party has stopped forward progress and just spends the day looking for the landmark. The party can decide to move in a westerly while searching for the next several Landmarks, but it's more difficult. DC 11 Navigation Check +2 per extra day travelling lost (Day One is DC 11, Day Two is DC 13, etc). You can become hopelessly lost this way. Eventually you'll hit the Dawn Forge Mountains if you never rediscover the trail.


DC 20 Intelligence or Personality. Warriors add their Deed Die.

Find enough to feed 1d4+1 people per day. Or 1-2 mules. Anything foraged is considered to be vegetation. Nat 20 doubles the amount. Opportunities to hunt can only happen as random encounter.


This covers any situation where the party is avoiding an ambush or trap


Basic Needs:

One person needs 2 pounds of FOOD and 16 pounds (2 gallons) of WATER per day.

One mule needs 10 pounds of FOOD and 96 pounds (12 gallons) of WATER per day.

One familiar needs 1 pound of FOOD and 8 pounds (1 gallon} of WATER per day.

Ten people = 20 pounds of FOOD/ 160 pounds (20 gallons) of WATER per day

Eight Mules = 80 pound of FOOD/ 768 pounds (96 gallons) of WATER per day

Ten people + Eight Mules + One Familiar needs...

101 pounds of FOOD per day / 936 pounds (117 gallons) of WATER per day


Jar of Steve

Produces 0.5 gallons of water per minute or 720 gallons of water per day.

With the Jar of Steve, the party should never need to find a water souce. However, there should be some water constantly available. Having 25 gallons (200 pounds) of water on hand should be enough for everyone.


Mule Carrying Capacity = 420 pounds / 8 Mules = 3,360 pounds

28 days of Food = 2,820 pounds

Water Available + Jar of Steve = 200 pounds (25 gallons)

Each Mule carries: 352.5 pounds of food / 25 pounds (approximately 3 gallons) of water

Total Extra space = 340 pounds / Single Mule Extra Space = 42.5 pounds


August 27

Current supplies:

18 days rations for 10 people (360 pounds of people food)

13 days feed for 8 mules (1,040 pounds of mule feed)

25 gallons of water available + Jar of Steve covers water needs for perpetuity.

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