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Noog Stats and Stuff



Hit Points: 14

Armor Class: 15 (12)*

Initiative: +2

Spell Attack Bonus: +5

Spell Save DC: 13

*Noog cast Mage Armor on himself last session, so he has a 15 A.C. The spell lasts for 8 hours. Normally he has 12 A.C.


Special background ability is that he can blend into crowds easily. It’s mostly useless.

Ability Scores

STR 8 (-1) INT 18 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2) WIS 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1)

Saving throws

STR -1 INT +5

DEX +2 WIS +4

CON +4 CHA -1

Noog has the RESILIENT FEAT which gives him +1 CON and proficiency in CON saves.

Typical Attack

Fire Bolt: +5 bonus to hit / 1d10 Fire Damage

Dagger: +4 Bonus to hit


Arcana +5

Investigation +5

Perception +4

Sleight of Hand +4


Fire Bolt

Control Flames: Use this to put out flames in case Fire Bolt gets out of control.

Mage Hand: A floating hand that can move up to 10 pounds.

I only have one spell left!

1st Level Spells that are memorized

Sleep (best 1st level spell)

Mage Armor (currently in use)

Shield (Reaction: +5 AC to one attack)

Tasha’s Hideous Laughter (Probably don’t want to use this. Use Sleep instead)


Alarm (Good for setting up camp)

Comprehend Languages

Detect Magic

Find Familiar

Mr Bigglesworth the humming bird is still around. Noog has enough components to cast it one more time.


Bartender’s Muddler (used as Spell Focus)

Explorer’s pack (no rope tho)

Spell book

Herbalist Kit

Brewer’s Kit

Special Abilities:

Hypnotic Gaze See Player’s Handbook page 117

Arcane Recovery: Recover one spell slot.

Special equipment

Infused Robes (Ask Tommy about this)

Gold: 7

Silver: 9



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