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Life, the Universe, and an Adventure that begins with Stirges


Welcome to Hammerfast(again)

As winter bids its farewell, Hammerfast finds itself grappling with diminishing supplies. Although the available sustenance retains its nutritional value, its overall quality leaves much to be desired. Today, on March 19th, heralds the arrival of spring—a bustling season for the town as it readies itself for the initial surge of merchants for the year. The arduous task of clearing and repairing the Iron Road and Trade Road is underway, with Laborers toiling along those roads. Accompanying them for protection are Hired Mercenaries, tasked with safeguarding against potential threats. Occasionally, when a wild denizen encroaches uncomfortably close to the Road, the expertise of Adventurers are sought to address the situation. The Trade Guild, the most influential political body in Hammerfast, takes charge in all such matters.

A week has passed since the Gang claimed the bounty for Wild Tom. During this time, they've walked the Wards of Hammerfast, with a particular focus on the Gate Ward. Presently, their residence is the Arcane Inn, an inviting two-story establishment complete with a basement hosting a quaint library and a warm fireplace. The inn's proprietors, McCann and Stella, choose to unwind in this subterranean haven during their evenings, indulging in either a sip of cognac, if it's on hand, or the peculiar delight of Dwarven Hooch when the former is unavailable.

The Gang has forged connections with the locals, establishing a rapport with the denizens of The Foundation Stone tavern, a hub for the latest gossip. Additionally, they've familiarized themselves with the Market Square, albeit noticing that only a quarter of its stalls are currently occupied. Beyond its role as a mere marketplace, the Square serves a crucial function—it's the primary gathering spot for Guild Criers. These mercurial messengers convene every mid-morning, amidst the Square's bustling atmosphere, to herald announcements of employment opportunities tailored for those engaged in the Adventuring profession.

Each morning, select members of the Gang could be found lingering at the Market Square, eagerly awaiting lucrative employment opportunities. However, as the week unfolded, a persistent theme emerged—an incessant summons for Adventurers to embark on daring raids into the enigmatic Stonhell Dungeon, an imposing structure with depths shrouded in mystery. No tangible rewards were proffered by the Guilds; instead, the appeal rested solely on the audience's intrinsic sense of adventure, coupled with the tantalizing promise of abundant loot concealed within its confines. The Gang, however, remained indifferent to such entreaties. The prospect of delving into the formidable depths of Stonehell seemed an imposing commitment, and their enthusiasm waned in the absence of any tangible incentives.

Meanwhile, the group gleaned three intriguing tidbits of gossip over the week. Firstly, news arrived that The Watchers of Gorhan would be embarking on a journey to Stonehell Dungeon come March 19th. Secondly, during this lingering mud season in Hammerfast, the noticeable absence of the usual number of merchants raised some eyebrows. The first caravan of the season should have arived by now. Thirdly, a librarian from the esteemed Lore Guild was spotted indulging in a drink at the Foundation Stone recently, sharing an enigmatic observation—two stars were conspicuously absent from the night sky. The significance of this celestial anomaly remains elusive. Captivated by the mystery, Eni resolved to delve deeper into this intriguing rumor. (2 xp)

Eni located the librarian, Durnel, savoring his customary evening drink at the tavern. Confirming the rumor became possible as Durnel emphatically vouched for its authenticity. Their conversation seamlessly transitioned into the topic of celestial bodies and their enigmatic origins. While the genesis of the Stars remains shrouded in mystery, Durnel shared an intriguing detail—the Eladrin, an ancient precursor species to Elves, were initially tasked with safeguarding these celestial wonders. The librarian conceded that the current existence of the Eladrin remains uncertain. However, he revealed that access to the night sky is intricately tied to the Eladrin's ancestral abode—the Celestial Tree, nestled in the world-mirroring realm of the Feywild. Regrettably, Durnel was unable to provide insights on the means to traverse into the elusive Feywild.

Following his discourse with Durnel, Eni proceeded to engage Stella and McCann in their quaint library. The couple savored the remnants of their cognac supply, though they couldn't shed light on the specifics of Stars or Eladrin. Nevertheless, they did furnish Eni with a comprehensive overview of the universe's structural framework. In agreement with their insights, Eni reflected on his prior education in Iruk, noting the striking resemblance to a parallel cosmic theory, albeit expressed through different nomenclature.

However, the conversation took an unexpected turn, revealing a revelation that compelled Eni to acknowledge the astuteness of these innkeepers. In Iruk, Klazath is revered as a Lawful God, exclusively worshipped by the Royal Guard. Contrarily, in Nentir Vale, Klazath assumes the guise of Gruumsh—a Chaotic God venerated by Orcs. This stark disparity led Eni to speculate on intriguing secrets harbored by the Royal Guard of Iruk, casting a newfound light on their beliefs and practices. No matter. Cthulhu will consume it all in the end, anyway. Chomp.

According to the sagacious innkeeper, the universe unfolds across three distinctive planes of existence:

  • The Chaotic Plane, aptly named as the Elemental Plane of Chaos, serves as the origin for Demons and Elementals.

  • The Lawful Plane, also known as The Astral Plane, is the celestial realm where gods find their origin.

  • The Neutral Plane, recognized as the Material Plane, encompasses our world, the ethereal Feywild, and the enigmatic Shadowfell.

The narrative unfolds with the creation of the world by the Elemental Lords of Chaos, followed by the infusion of life by the gods residing in the Astral Planes. A grand conflict akin to the mythic clashes of Greek gods and titans ensued. Eventually, the Primal Spirits of the Material Plane emerged, giving rise to the Feywild and the Shadowfell. This pantheon included Archfey and potent nature spirits, each vying for sovereignty and individual power. The Material Plane itself stands as a convergence point for the dynamic interplay of these three fundamental forces. (3xp)

This all might seem like pointless exposition at the moment, and in the short term that may be, but the knowledge will prove useful in the future.



Now, in the early hours of March 19th, half of the Gang finds themselves prepared and poised to depart Hammerfast through the West Gate. A compelling proposition from the Trade Guild beckons: the task of clearing out a contingent of Stirges that have infested a cave near the hamlet known as Soldier's Rest. The villagers harbor suspicions that these Stirges may have been responsible for the demise of a farmhand—a courageous teenager who endeavored to rid the area of these menacing creatures. Soldier's Rest is less than 10 miles south along the Iron Road.

The Party included: Ida the Handsy (wizard), Turmus the Thermos (warrior), Bob of the Bong (elf), Phallis the Feral (halfling), and Player #5 (not present).

The Gang embarked on a three-hour journey south to reach the hamlet of Soldier's Rest and arrived before noon. Welcomed by a concerned elderly lady, they learned about the young farmhand who had ventured out two days prior to confront the aggressive Stirges infesting a nearby cave. Fearful of these bloodsuckers, the villagers hesitated to approach the perilous site.

After traversing a trail for half an hour, the Party reached the cave, intermittently hearing the ominous buzzing of Stirges. Their discovery was grim—an arid body of the farmhand, still gripping a cudgel smeared in dried blood, lay nearby, alongside a sizable Stirge wing. Staring at the cave entrance, the Party acknowledged the potential dangers and wisely refrained from a reckless charge.

In a strategic move(?), Ida the Handsy proposed using the farmhand's desiccated head as a diversion. The gruesome attempt yielded minimal success. Undeterred, Bob of the Bong summoned a robust pig and directed it into the cave—a clever ploy that attracted Stirges in clusters. As the buzzing creatures descended upon the now fleeing pig, Turmus swiftly hurled a Potion of Explosion, easily dispatching the menacing Stirges. Mission accomplished. (2xp)

The Party ventured into the Stirges' cave; its floor now scattered with the burnt carcasses of the vanquished creatures. The cavern, however, held only desiccated animal husks and bones. To the south, a fissure caught their attention, revealing a glint of daylight. Upon closer inspection, they discerned that the fissure was a natural tunnel, seemingly widening ahead. Traversing this path, they discovered it led to a dead end, with daylight streaming through an opening above. On the cave floor lay the ancient remnants of a shattered skeleton, its belongings remarkably intact. Evidently, this unfortunate soul had fallen into the hole long ago.

Upon examining the skeleton's possessions, the Party uncovered a modest bounty: 3 gold pieces, 44 silver pieces, and 20 garnet shards, each valued at 5 gold pieces. A particularly intriguing find was a bark-skinned map, guiding them to a grave marked as the "grave of the grey soldier." Judging by the map, the Party surmised that they were in close proximity to this mysterious grave. Intrigued, they resolved to locate and explore its secrets. (2xp)


The Grey Soldier's Grave

Swiftly, they arrived at the Grey Soldier's Grave, nestled in a crevice between colossal boulders, concealed by overgrown brambles. Closing in within 30 feet, the Party discerned an unusual rustling beyond the foliage. A moment of hesitation gripped the group, prompting Phallis the Feral to bravely step forward for a closer inspection. Unveiling the source, Phallis discovered two menacing giant centipedes, each measuring six feet in length, their mandibles dripping with potent poison. An intense battle erupted, marked by the deadly dance with the venomous adversaries.

In a critical juncture, Turmus faced a daunting decision—choosing between saving Ida or Phallis. Ultimately opting to heal Ida, the sacrifice of Phallis the Feral became the somber outcome of the skirmish. (3xp)

The intrepid heroes (or perhaps, less charitably, grave robbers) boldly unearthed (alas, desecrated) the resting place of the Grey Soldier. Among the pilfered treasures were a silvered sword, a sturdy steel helm, and an imposing shield. As their probing continued, they also uncovered a mysterious bronze key and a revealing journal chronicling the exploits of the departed warrior, Archinel Dugo.

Archinel, a formidable and mercenary figure, was renowned for both his ferocity and avarice. The concluding section of the journal outlined Archinel's final wishes, specifically detailing his desire for the return of his magical broadsword and armor to the tomb of their origin. A poignant entry also divulged the clandestine whereabouts of Archinel's remaining wealth.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, the Party discerned their next destination, fueled by the unfolding legacy of the Grey Soldier. (1xp)

Once they laid Phallis to rest in the ground, the Party retraced their steps to Soldier's Rest, where they encountered Father Morta Dello, a Cleric devoted to Daenthar, the Mountain God (Moradin). His ever-evolving accent journeyed across the entirety of the Mediterranean, with a notable pause in Ireland, perhaps Jamaica too. Evidently, this courageous individual had set out with the intent of tackling the Stirge menace, only to find that the Party had beaten him to the punch. With a member down, the Party graciously extended an invitation for Father Morta to join their ranks. (1xp)

In need of recuperation, the Party took a respite in the hamlet of Soldier's Rest, where they rested and restored their strength over a span of four days.


Tomb of the Grey Soldier

The Party embarked on a journey southward along the Iron Road for an hour or two before veering westward for an additional hour, eventually stumbling upon the door to the ancient tomb. Located on the sheer face of a hill, the tomb's surroundings featured a picturesque waterfall just south of their location. Armed with the bronze key, the Party gained access to the hallowed Tomb of Archinel Dugo.

As they traversed deeper into the tomb, Bob of the Bong astutely identified a potential hazard—a trapdoor in the floor, adorned with planks hanging on the walls. Bob fashioned a makeshift bridge using the planks, guiding the Party safely across the treacherous pit. (2xp)

The subsequent chamber revealed a spacious rectangular room with doors to the northeast and northwest. Old jackets littered the floor, and an intriguing staff caught Bob's eye. Upon claiming the staff, Bob discovered its unique ability to detect gold, akin to a Dwarf's keen sense. Meanwhile, amidst the old jackets, someone stumbled upon 5 silver pieces. (1xp)

Eager to lead, Father Morta Dello, opened the door to the northwest. Unfortunately, he triggered a trap, narrowly avoiding the worst of spears that shot down from the door's top. Alas, his ordeal was far from over, as four ghouls lurked beyond the door, hungry for fresh faces.

In a unique move, Father Morta Dello cast a Darkness spell, enveloping both the Party and the ghouls in a shroud of magical obscurity. The ensuing chaos unfolded as a tangled dance of flailing limbs in the dark. Regrettably, one of the ghouls found its mark on the cleric's face, delivering a fatal bite. In his dying breath, Morta Dello bid farewell with an "Arrivederci, me laddies!" The Party finished off the ghouls. (4xp)

End of session.

Everything above was rewritten by ChatGPT.


Rules Clarification:

A cleric may use Turn Unholy while in darkness or blinded. However, a physical barrier, such as a thin wall, will protect the target creature from Turn Unholy.

Turn Unholy is not Detect Unholy. Spamming Turn Unholy when there is no urgent threat will piss of your detity. Expect retribution. In essence, when your cleric Turns Unholy you're asking your deity for some emergency help; so if you use it "just in case there might be undead present," it will make your god feel like their being taken for granted. And that's the worst thing you can do to a god.


We're doubling XP now!

Total session xp 21 (2)= 42 xp

Bob 46

Turmus 220

Ida 51



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