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Updated: Jul 18, 2022

This is just a rough draft. I might change some things:


Creator of "Fiery Noog's Flaming Hot Toddy"

Unaligned with any Guild.

A bored bartender who likes to experiment with drinks, potions, or really anything from time to time. My second cousin was a low level Guild-member and a Wizard. That's how I learned to cast spells. I give off a mildly creepy vibe (low charisma), but I make a great drink and provide quick service.

Wizard (I'm looking at Enchantment School at 2nd level)

Human Variant

Strength 8 (-1)

Dexterity 14 (+2)

Constitution 14 (+2)

Intelligence 16 (+3)

Wisdom 14 (+2)

Charisma 8 (-1)


Background Feature

Perhaps it is your utterly innocent presence, but you rarely need to hide from people to hear in on what they talk about. This is particularly true when you have all your working tools out to show you are a real bartender. The bartender image has been cultivated into you, that even very important conversations not meant for average ears can be spoken near you. Underworld lords and powerful figures feel no threat from speaking liberally near you, discussing plans and such over your concoctions.


Perception (+4), Sleight of Hand (+4), Arcana (+5), Investigation (+5)


Brewery tools (background), Herberalism Kit (racial bonus)


Common + 2 more


Resilent (Constitution)

Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Fire Bolt

Control Flames

Mage Hand

1st Level

Find Familiar (ritual, 10gp consumed)

Sleep (action)

Mage Armor (action, 8hrs)

Comprehend Language (ritual)

Shield (Reaction)

Expeditious Retreat (concentration, bonus action)

PERSONALITY I never forget the face of those I've served

IDEAL I am pursuing the quest for the greatest brew

BOND I feel a familial bond with the bar busters, wenches, and maids.

FLAW I can appear cold to problems of others.

Brewing Potions of Healing

Requires: Herberalism Kit skill

Potion type / time to create / Cost in Resources

  • Healing / 1 Day / 25 gp

  • Greater Healing / 10 Days / 100 gp

  • Superior Healing / 30 Days / 1,000 gp

  • Supreme Healing / 40 Days / 10,000 gp

Scribe Scroll

Requires: Arcana Skill, the spell in question is prepared

Spell Level / Time / Cost

  • Cantrips / 1 Day / 15 gp

  • 1st / 1 Day / 25 gp

  • 2 / 3 / 250

  • 3 / 10 / 500

  • 4 / 20 / 2,500

  • 5 / 40 / 5,000

  • 6 / 80 / 15,000

  • 7 / 160 / 25,000

  • 8 / 320 / 50,000

  • 9 / 480 / 250,000

Brewing Beer

Requires: Brewery Kit

History: Knowledge Proficiency on recalling cultural events that involve alcohol

Persuasion: Offering Fiery Noog's Hot Toddy gives me proficiency.

Potable Water: Purify water; 6 gallons on a Long Rest and 1 Gallon on a Short Rest.

Detect Poison in Drink DC 10

Identify Alcohol DC 15

Ignore Alcoholic Affects DC 20



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