Balthazar, the littlest meat-shield
His original stats using point buy at character creation. No racial bonus added:
Strength 15 Dexterity 14 Constitution 15 Intelligence 9 Wisdom 9 Charisma 8
Lightfoot Halfling Racial bonus:
Dexterity +2 Charisma +1
Stat bonus taken at 4th level:
Strength +2
Balthazar's new stats:
Strength 17(+3) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 15 (+2) Intelligence 9 (-1) Wisdom 9 (-1) Charisma 9 (-1)
The magical glaive
Glaives have the HEAVY property. This means that Small creatures have Disadvantage when using it. I'll assume that you shortened the handle which will remove the HEAVY property, remove the REACH property, and lower the damage. The new damage dice would be 1d8 plus 1d4.
Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness
You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
You know the same languages as you knew before. Common and Dwarvish.
Naturally Stealthy
You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Some magical items can only be attached to one owner. For example, the Lute or the Scarab of protection. A player can only own 3 attuned items at one time.
These are the rules in the book:
Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical Properties can be used. This bond is called attunement, and certain items have a prerequisite for it. If the prerequisite is a class, a creature must be a member of that class to attune to the item. (If the class is a Spellcasting class, a monster qualifies if it has Spell Slots and uses that class’s spell list.) If the prerequisite is to be a Spellcaster, a creature qualifies if it can cast at least one spell using its Traits or features, not using a magic item or the like.
Without becoming attuned to an item that requires attunement, a creature gains only its nonmagical benefits, unless its description states otherwise. For example, a magic Shield that requires attunement provides the benefits of a normal Shield to a creature not attuned to it, but none of its magical Properties.
Attuning to an item requires a creature to spend a Short Rest focused on only that item while being in physical contact with it (this can’t be the same short rest used to learn the item’s properties). This focus can take the form of weapon practice (for a weapon), meditation (for a wondrous item), or some other appropriate activity. If the Short Rest is interrupted, the attunement attempt fails. Otherwise, at the end of the Short Rest, the creature gains an intuitive understanding of how to activate any magical Properties of the item, including any necessary Command words.
An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time, and a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item fails; the creature must end its attunement to an item first. Additionally, a creature can’t attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can’t attune to more than one ring of Protection at a time.
A creature’s attunement to an item ends if the creature no longer satisfies the Prerequisites for attunement, if the item has been more than 100 feet away for at least 24 hours, if the creature dies, or if another creature attunes to the item. A creature can also voluntarily end attunement by spending another Short Rest focused on the item, unless the item is Cursed.
Magical items:
Scarab of Protection
Requires Attunement
If you hold this beetle-shaped medallion in your hand for 1 round, an inscription appears on its surface revealing its magical Nature. It provides two benefits while it is on your person:
• You have advantage on Saving Throws against Spells.
• The scarab has 3 Charges. If you fail a saving throw against a Necromancy spell or a harmful Effect originating from an Undead creature, you can use your Reaction to expend 1 charge and turn the failed save into a successful one. The scarab crumbles into powder and is destroyed when its last charge is expended.
Rod of Absorption
Attunement required
(I changed this)
This Rod is cracked, but still functional. 1 charge left.
When this 2 foot rod touches a magical item and the command word is spoken; the rod will absorb all the magical energy from the item making that item useless. A second command word will release that energy that causes damage (Intelligence + proficiency to hit. 4d6 Radiant damage. 60 foot range)
Bag of Holding
No attunement needed
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its Contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an Action.
If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its Contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its Contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing Creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of Creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.