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A Pack Of Lone Wolves


Battle with wolves

As the Gang pondered the significance of the letters, the lone howl of a wolf was heard. Some of the members left the trees and returned to the road to get a better look at things. They saw an enormous red wolf sitting on the road about 300 feet away. He was panting slightly and did that adorable thing that dogs do when they twist their head slightly to hear better. Kinda like this:

dawww, so cute.
dawww, so cute.

Howls of other wolves could be heard from the forest to the south. The red dire wolf returned the howl, then it transformed into a large bat and flew up and away. Yor took a pot-shot at the bat and missed. A pack of wolves was spotted racing in a northward direction towards the road.

A chaotic fight broke out, and while the Gang eventually defeated the wolves, it was far from their finest hour. Each character acted independently, often working at cross purposes, which hindered their efforts. In the end, they prevailed, but Smugly the Monk lay dying on the ground, bleeding out. While the Dragonborn did manage to cling to life, only to awaken to a peculiar scene: some of his companions exchanging coins. The collectors, clearly satisfied, gave Smugly a thumbs-up, while the payers, looking disappointed, scowled at him. Not the heroes we wanted, but the heroes we got, I suppose.

That’s when their ex-party member, Skarther the Goblin approached the party from the east. “Looks like things are going the way they typically do, eh guys?” He said glancing around at the carnage.


Cut to Skarther

Several hours ago, and several dimensions separate from this dreadish domain, Skarther the Wildfire Druid was happily humming along in a Faerun forest and doing what he did best, which was burn s--t. He rationalized it as a controlled burn, but really who are we kidding here, the dude’s a chaotic neutral Goblin. That’s when the fog rolled in.

Skarther did the wise thing and decided to run for it, rather than allowing the poisonous fog to choke him. He followed along the same path as the Gang and saw the same things. (See “So it begins…” for details).


A Long Rest in the Wilderness?

The Gang of six travelled to the edge of the forest. The road continued through grassland. Fearing the exposure of being out in the open, they decided to make camp. Their sleep was interrupted by a pack of humanoids made of pine needles. They faired better this time around and defeated them soundly. The only thing worth noting is that the Needle Blights focused their attacks on Moss when he tried to communicate to them in Druidic.




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