#1 Curse of Strahd
Escape from a Dark Realm
Level (1)3-10
Start with a basic level 1-3 adventure in your homeland. Then, Adventurers are mysteriously drawn to a dark realm after travelling through deadly fog. Now you need to escape the dark realm. WARNING: This can get Brothers Grimm dark, as in REAL DARK, like “grandma eats her grandson and then smiles at you, while his innocent blood dribbles down her chin” dark.

#2 Tomb of Annihilation
Jungle explorers destroy an Artifact.
Level 1-12
You’ll be teleported to the hot jungle where you are tasked to destroy an evil artifact that prevents people from being resurrected. This adventure seems to be inspired by Isle of Dread because you’ll be given a map with plenty of blank hexes. Unlike Isle of Dread, you will have a single objective. The first half is exploration and roleplay, while the second half is a dungeon crawl.

#3 Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
Hometown heroes in the Frosty North
Level 1-12
A cold-hearted goddess has blocked the sun for the past two years and the situation is getting desperate. Your group starts out by trying to solve some local problems, then the real adventure begins. For this to work, your characters need to be somewhat invested in the communities i.e. you grew up there or have been living there for a couple of years.

#4 Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Hometown Heroes with a Boat.
Level 1-11
This includes a few old school adventures remade for 5e. Seven connected adventures occurring centered around a specific coastal town. For this to work, your characters need to be somewhat invested in the town i.e. you grew up there or have been living there for a couple of years. You will get a ship (and crew) at some point and explore the surrounding sea.

#5 Tales from the Yawning Portal
Quantum Leap Dungeon Delving Galore
Level 1-20
Within the city of Waterdeep is The Green Dragon Inn. Within this popular inn & tavern is a well that is a portal. The party is transported to various dungeons, upon completion they are transported back to Waterdeep. Kind of like the old TV show Quantum Leap. This is just an excuse to run a series of dungeons, each with their own background and story.